SureFire XC3

Kalashnikov Concern – AK Modernization Kit

Kalashnikov Concern has begun to produce a series of English language videos detailing their advancements and new products. This video details a modernization kit developed by the company, which aims to update older Kalashnikov-style weapons. Adjustments include the inclusion of Picatinny rails, a new muzzle brake/flash hider, and ergonomically-improved furniture.


17 Responses to “Kalashnikov Concern – AK Modernization Kit”

  1. PTMcCain says:

    Very cool stuff…sure to drive the “AK Purists” nuts (a bonus!). That butt stock looks great.

  2. CWG says:

    Nice of them to invent the KREBS safety/selector 15 years after KREBS did.

    • Gus says:

      Yah said the very same thing to my self. Hey nice KREBS safety ripoff – still would like to get my paws on the pistol grip w maintenance kit and that collapsible stock.

      • Roger Rupe says:

        Krebs didn’t invent the improved AK safety, Power Parts for something like that had one years before Krebs.

  3. Josh says:

    I’m gonna need to see some weight reduction. AKs already weigh a ton with out any extra stuff.

    • the Dude says:

      yes, because Ak’s are so heavy. an Ak style rifles weighs about 7 pounds how is that any different than an m4 or M1 garand or any other product out there these days?

      • Josh says:

        I see you never have carried any of those farther then the range.

        • Eddie says:

          Yes, AKs are long and heavy with/without accessories.

          There’s a lot of variation but roughly

          AK-74 is about 8.5 lbs loaded.
          M1 Garand is about 11.6 lbs loaded.
          M4 is about 7.5 lbs loaded.
          (Minus accessories)

          There are clear differences in weight my friend, and like Josh implied, carrying a rifle is a different animal than simply shooting one.

          • the Dude says:

            Ak’s are long and heavy? How did the Vietnamese ever manage? An AK with 16in barrel is 34 inches, and m4 is 29.75 -33in long.
            As far as carrying them to the range is laughable, I used an Ak with a MiTT team in Iraq. Maybe you should go to the gym..

  4. Pc says:

    Once any rifle has to have a the kitchen sink bolted on to make it relevant, its time has passed. My .02

    • John says:

      And yet people will probably still be killing each other with them a 100 years from now. Go figure.

    • dan187 says:

      I can’t think of a rifle that has everything necessary to be relevant in modern combat built in. I can only name a few that have an optic included (though generally not optimal, like the Steyr AUG), and none with visible or IR illumination built in.

      So am I missing something? Or do you consider all rifles irrelevant for the modern age?

  5. SGT Heintz says:

    I’m really digging that stock. The rest was like, meh.

  6. Kirk says:

    Considered against the background of the “installed base” of AK-series weapons in the former Soviet bloc… This isn’t a horrible idea. I suspect they’ll sell a bunch of these parts separately as upgrade components, and there will be a huge uptake in “copy/pasting” among the various flavors of AK manufacturers.

    The Rk95 and earlier Finnish variants on the AK design show that the basics are there for the AK to be a more-than-satisfactory rifle, in terms of accuracy and everything else–All it needs is sufficient precision in manufacture and ammunition, and well-trained soldiers behind the trigger. If Valmet and Lapua can do it, the former Soviet factories can eventually manage it, as well.

    The consideration here, for US and other Western nations, is that we’re not going to be able to rely on our “natural superiority” in small arms accuracy forever–The rest of the world can play catch-up, and get to something close to our capabilities while not breaking their budgets, either. So, we must keep improving our equipment and training, as well.

  7. Roger Rupe says:

    Are these parts going to be available in the US?

  8. swiss says:

    Nice to see the gas tube rail, but I’ll stick to my Ultimak that provides co-witness with iron sights as well. (aimpoint or primary arms optics options)