TYR Tactical

I’ll Just Leave This Right Here

39 Responses to “I’ll Just Leave This Right Here”

  1. Kramerica says:

    US of ‘eh!

  2. jellydonut says:

    Arc’teryx and made in USA? I’m not paying a thousand dollars for a pair of pants, okay.

    There are things made in America that aren’t outrageously priced.

  3. cat_blaster says:

    canada doesnt need berry shit, why is it in french?

  4. Doc82 says:

    So he is paying for them with taxes. Quit being self righteous. Some guy who gets issued this will then sell it for outrageous prices on ebay

  5. husky says:

    well…I bet one year from now it will flow all over Ebay at discounted price…
    just like Multicam Combat jacket..Made in USA=cheap like dirt….only Goretex line and WX SV still made in Canada..the rest is history…all moved to el salvador or China..even the LEAF Alpha jacket has so called OS model..OVER SEA WTF made in China …not much cheaper..when you return your jacket for warranty service make sure you get the right one back..they could send you OS ones back to you!

    • SSD says:

      Having been to Arc One I can say that what you written is untrue.

      • Husky says:

        Which part is untrue…
        Go to eBay those multicam combat jacket made in USA sold under 300.
        I even have made in Canada one in my collection. I also have Black/Croc/ACU/Desert…the only one I don’t have is desert marpat

        Last year sent back an alpha lt made in Canada and received made in China one back…have to call them ask for Canada one

        US dealers now sell OS ones at discount price…

        You need to update your information

        • SSD says:

          Your assertion that the only products made in Canada are the Gore and SVX lines is bullshit. I saw stuff being made there last year that is for sale through retail channels and some that isn’t.

          As a collector, you are purchasing LEAF products commercially and you are paying retail pricing. In some cases you are buying used items on the resale market. Pricing on eBay is not the same pricing through authorized LEAF dealers. Some times it is giger and sometimes it is lower, depending on what the market will near. You are paying collector prices.

          The retail pricing structure exists to support LEAF’s pricing for its primary customers, which are governments.

          Also, as a commercial customer, you might get a product as a replacement for a return which comes from a different factory. Government returns are going to support the purchasing vehicle which originally procured the item.

          But have you considered that you sent in a Jacket, regardless of how you bought it, and they replaced it completely?

          • Husky says:

            What else made in Canada now?
            Those discontinued like Minotaur or Fussion are no longer count ..
            Belt and knee cap not counting them…what else?
            When LEAF discontinued a jacket they put them on sale …
            I doubt how well you really know LEAF

  6. husky says:

    the regular LEAF L is chest size 43
    and this one is 45?

    • SSD says:

      They’ve been adjusting the fit block to more closely mimic NATO sizing.

  7. PNWTO says:

    Queue people bitching about price… 3… 2…

    I have routinely taken Arc’teryx on backcountry archery hunts, the same gear I was once issued or bought while in the service and have abused for some years now. Great stuff and you definitely get every penny out of it.

    • Unimog says:

      As have and did my issue woodland and three color desert years ago, Yet didn’t need to mortgage home to procure them.

    • Giovani says:

      I think we can safely venture a guess and say that most of the people that complain about the price have never even tried the product in the first place.

      I can’t afford the super high end stuff either, but after using the more affordable stuff completely understand why these products are far and away superior.

      It’s also not a product meant for those who can’t justify the cost. The guys out there who need it are willing to pay for it. Not meant for those who have to ask why.

      • PPGMD says:

        I have one of their high end LEAF jackets, made in Canada. It is really nice, but is it worth 3-4 times what I’ve paid for other jackets? Maybe. I got it for free and do enjoy it, but it would be a stretch for me to pay that much for one jacket particularly one that doesn’t even have an actual Goretex waterproof liner, just a water resistant one.

        • Husky says:

          You get them on sale 25% off or when they discontinued it unless you are size small ! The GEN1 Alpha was 30%-40% off when they discontinued it!

      • SSD says:

        Most of the people bitching about the price don’t want to do the things that have to be done to be issued the equipment.

  8. Micah says:

    Je ne sais pas….

  9. SSD says:

    Nobody cares that you can’t afford a Lamborghini, or Arc’teryx. If it was cheap, it would be cheaply made. It is neither.

    Quality costs. Buy once, cry once.

  10. Iggy says:

    The price is a result of someone with health insurance getting paid per hour to sew 40% more stitches per inch into non generic materials developed spec to the job. Their tech is in house, they own the patents. Simple production equation. Theres also minimal cost buffering with over priced baseball caps, t shirts and baselayers. AND theres a top percentile cult following willing to pick up some slack.

    Whether most/anyone NEEDS that level of product…? Like their alpine/ski stuff, i dont think so, but nice if you want it.

    Ive worn their stuff and dealt with the company and its neither perfect nor magick, it still has weaknesses and design fuck ups that i think the prices are in dischord – i want money put into testing more than bling – but right now for clothing its the high tide mark.

    My one complaint is the designs are a bit conservative and lack the innovation found elsewhere. Just a bit dull.

    Their packs and boots are a con tho. Can get much better for the dollar.
    Harnesses excellent.

  11. David Hensley says:

    The Arc’teryx LEAF line had Berry Compliant models when first launched a decade or so ago. The rest was made in Canada. The Berry line was the first to go.

    Then most, if not all, of their production moved to China with no decrease in price to the consumer.

    Glad to see Arc’teryx have Berry Compliant production again.

  12. Mike says:

    As a Canadian I approve of this.
    As an end user, sorry tax payers, I approve of this.

    No one is forcing you to buy it…

    Even if I didn’t use this for work I’d still be wearing ‘most’ of their kit, both LEAF and or civy.


  13. AlexC says:

    I still don’t understand why Canada and the USA don’t have a bilateral Military Equipment Acquisition trade deal.

    American Firms should be allowed to compete with and fulfill Canadian contracts and vice versa. Include Canada in the Berry Amendment, and open up American Manufacturers to Canadian contracts.

    The issue rucksack in Canada is a joke, and the Canadian Warrior would better served with a Mystery Ranch, Arcteryx, or High Ground Gear, or something similar rucksack. Just print and build it in CADPAT.

    “A lot” of private purchases were made by individual soldiers who served in Afghanistan from american countries.

    • SSD says:

      The Department of Public Works has a requirement to purchase Canadian content just like the US DoD has a Berry requirement.

  14. Jojo Garmen says:

    Doc 82, close but no cigar…
    what you were trying to articulate was that some guys ‘entertainer girlfriend’ will have these up for sale on e-bay, or down at the pawnshop, the weekend after ol’boy deploys….or her weed dealer ‘wannabe’ gangsta other boyfriend will cut the sleeves off, cut the pants into shorts, and be seen wearing it in some late night club….
    Excuse me sir, may I aks you, where did you be gettin’ that dirty bird camo shirt and shorts?

  15. AirborneKhanda says:

    THIS. Most guys who see the price on these garments and ball have probably never sucked the real suck on a deployment or even a field problem.

    Sleep soundly in your fluffy down comforter beds, in between your carbine courses, guys.

    This stuff works. It keeps me dry. It keeps me warm. Even when I’m shitting in a ziploc bag.