GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Okay Kids, Don’t Stare At The Solar Eclipse With Dad’s NODs

It was bound to happen. Our friends at TNVC received this email earlier today.

Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 3:09 PM
To: Sales
Subject: Night vision binoculars

To whom it may concern,

My Dad has a pair of your night vision binoculars. Today I was stupid and used them during the day, and the sun ruined the lens. I didn’t know that the sun could ruin the lens. I feel so awful and sick that I did this to my Dad. He’s a veteran in the military and he has been saving up so much of his money to buy these binoculars, and he also waited about 4 months to get them. I’m only 21 and there’s no way I can repay him for what I’ve done. Please help me out. Is there anywhere I could get the lens replaced? Is there anything I can do?

Thank you,


Now, let’s see how many SSD readers with 21 year olds and a new set of Bino NODs, rush home from work.


19 Responses to “Okay Kids, Don’t Stare At The Solar Eclipse With Dad’s NODs”

  1. Bill says:


    We would be glad to repair your NOD’s for $$$$$$$$

  2. CWG says:

    Lol. Hopefully he has them insured under a kind ins policy. Otherwise juniors probably gonna have to find a new place to live pretty soon.

  3. Stone11C says:

    Hear ye, hear ye! On this 21st day of August in this 2,017th year of our Lord a Safety Brief has thus been born with much face palming and paternal lamentation! May God have mercy on us all!

  4. JKifer says:

    Holy mother of God.. I’d take it from his college tuition… NOD’s are way more important…

  5. Ian Cornell says:

    Haha I love the tag “coming soon to go fund me”.

  6. P.J. says:

    Ouch. I like how the email avoids mentioning the eclipse, but we all know what he was doing.

    Bad news: those aren’t just lenses that need replacing.

    Good news: TNVC does financing.

  7. Default.mp3 says:

    Allegedly, it was actually a daughter that did that. Same source says that TNVC will waive the repair fee (~150 USD, IIRC), but the tubes… well, that’s 5500 USD. So… yeah: https://tnvc.com/finance-information/

  8. Desert Lizard says:

    If its replacement cost is prohibitive, you’d better secure it.

  9. AirborneKhanda says:

    She is 21 years old.

    She can get a job.

    Save the money.

    And repay her father.

    Simple yes?

    But no, everyone else has to help her out.


    • Brandon says:

      Or… show kindness to a kid who made a stupid mistake.

      Simple yes?

      Not for you… Baby boomers.

      • SSD says:

        That’s a several thousand Dollar mistake. Stupid hurts. When someone makes it all better without consequences, no lesson is learned.

  10. Jack says:

    PS: did I mention that my dad’s binocular had a weird look with those 4 lenses? I hope this means it’s cheaper to repair since it needs more than two lenses to work…

  11. Lasse says:

    Isn’t auto shut off a common feature?

    • SSD says:

      Auto shut off is for daylight, not staring at the sun. If you believe otherwise, take the Corona challenge and use yours to stare at the sun.

  12. Preacher says:

    Bino´s with unprotected tubes?
    1st of April?
    Maiybe no manual Gain – but Auto Gaited, sure.
    If: Daddy anyway had some cheap, old, used stuff.
    If not: Daddy will be happy to get an upgrade.

  13. DAN III says:

    I bought my first house when I was 22. Perhaps this millenial moron should get a job or two and buy daddy a new pair.

    Typical, irresponsible adult millenial.

    • Foilsim says:

      Yeah, boomers never do anything irresponsible. It’s totally a millenial thing. Thank god it’s contained.

  14. Reminds me of a great movie….Asked Ferris, “What did I do?”….

    Ferris, “You killed the car”.