FirstSpear TV

Here’s A Way You Can Support Texas Disaster Relief

Some legit guys have taken two helicopters to the disaster area in order to support relief efforts.

This is their pitch:

There are several communities in Texas that need critical help after Hurricane Harvey. We will be focused on the Texas coast and Houston area. We are bringing all the resources we have at our disposal which include 2 helicopters. Unfortunately, helicopters are expensive to operate. I’m asking for help with fuel and rotor time. The pilots are donating their time, and those of us organizing it will be donating as much relief supplies as we can. Every penny will be going to aiding fellow Texans in need. I sincerely believe we can make a difference. But, time is absolutely critical.
We will be coordinating with local, state, and federal agencies.
We need fuel and rotor time.
I will provide a complete accounting of where every dollar went.

To donate, visit

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