SureFire XC3

DSEI 17 – Mystery Ranch ATM Pack


Mystery Ranch is located in the Edgar Brothers Booth and displayed the ATM (All Terrain Maneuver) Pack which was developed for a U.K. customer. It’s a two component system mounted to the Military Light Frame which is the same as the SOCOM Packs. In addition a to three small attached pouches there are three PALS accessory pouches along with an optional top flap.


It offers about 70liters in the main pack with a E&E pack offering 25liters. The E&E pack is stored under the lid and will accommodate AN/PRC-117G along with appropriate kit.


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9 Responses to “DSEI 17 – Mystery Ranch ATM Pack”

  1. Joe says:

    Huh, interesting way to carry/secure the Hitchhiker

    • kitkrazy says:

      I have seen hundreds of photos of Germans putting their Bergaus Munro in the Bergaus Atlas just like that. Also it is close to how the Marine pack is set up, just on top, not a burrito.

      • Gavin says:

        It works so well. If you have to get out there quick and ditch your bergan then having a grab bag with water proof jacket, warmers kit, food and radio is so fast. Its just good organiastion far easier thanassembling to rocket patches.

    • Morten says:

      Is the E & E pack the trizip bag in the picture ?

  2. cat_blaster says:


  3. iggy says:

    weight? fabrics? jumpable? im seeing a bunch of old stuff strapped together, nothing very new, tho perhaps the `customer` wanted that…
    the base back looks somewhat interesting tho; any insights into that re fabrics, load bearing etc?

  4. jackson says:

    The base pack looks a lot like their mountain ruck (ALICE-ish pack).