FirstSpear TV

Vulture Equipment Works Launches Extreme Temp Oil Alternative

“Build It Right – Build It American!”


Willowbrook, IL – Vulture Equipment Works, a USA manufacturer of expedition grade outdoor accessories, has launched LIQUID FREAKINESS, a fully synthetic lubricant and protectant.

Liquid Freakiness is a extreme temperature -65 °f to 540 °f, fully synthetic lubricant specially formulated originally for our in-house knife & firearm production. After years using toxic products the owner decided a change was due and started extensive testing and real world applications on the product, which is now available commercially through dealers and direct on the Vulture website.

Liquid Freakiness boasts a very impressive list of qualities – non toxic, odorless, clear, non staining, non irritating, paint & polymer safe and is gasket safe. Lf also reduces drag by up to 25%, will not break down under stress, is enhanced for mechanical stability and has a low evaporation rate. Couple all this with it’s corrosion inhibitor and rust preventatives and you have a truly amazing lubricant that will not harm the user or the environment.

With no smell Lf is perfect for hunting and will not give away your position to weary game while protecting your firearm or bow. Being non toxic it will not harm wildlife and is perfect for fishing and fly fishing reels, duck hunting or any other water based adventure. Plus you can use it around the house on door hinges, locks and padlocks (because it won’t freeze), trailers including atvs, motorcycles and other small & large machinery.

The product is also in use by other knife & firearms manufacturers and is currently being tested by the U.S. Army as a specified item in a new weapon platform. For more information or questions please visit and follow us on Facebook & Instagram.


3 Responses to “Vulture Equipment Works Launches Extreme Temp Oil Alternative”

  1. CWG says:

    I like trying new stuff, so I’m down for a bottle.

    Hope it doesn’t make my eggs taste weird.

  2. Ryan says:

    $18 for 2 oz is steep! Might be a great product, but the cost for the product with no publicly known performance record is too high IMHO.

  3. Hmm says:

    -65°f to 540°f? That’s pretty good.

    Then again, Slip2000 EWL is pure synthetic and is rated -110°f to +1250°f