GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Fortyone Tactical – Tactical Over Suit

This is the 0241 Tactical Over Suit (TOS) in Covert Woodland. It consists of Tactical Over Trousers (TOTs) and Tactical Operator’s Pullover (TOPs). It’s offered in PenCott, Multicam, Covert, and A-TACS.


Available at www.0241Tactical.com


14 Responses to “Fortyone Tactical – Tactical Over Suit”

  1. Kevin Larkin says:

    Brockwood, my favourite pattern.

    • Kevin Larkin says:

      I see they even have the transitional pattern. Excellent, wish this was more widely available.

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    Link to actual item, and specific name of camo pattern, please. Found stuff close, but nothing specific.

  3. paul says:

    love this pattern. i’ve got a couple yards in 1000d in the closet waiting for a project.

  4. Strike-Hold says:

    Anyone else look at that and think, “WOLVERINES!!!”

  5. Paralus says:

    Would love to get my hands on some of that Red Dawn faux Soviet camo.

    It also has a sort of Alpenflage/Leibermuster look to it.

  6. Shepp says:

    I looked up there pullover, definitely will be ordering one. If anyone out there has purchased one, I would sure appreciate there feedback on what there thoughts are on it.

  7. sjl777 says:

    Several videos on You Tube regarding the previous version:




    The 0241 TOP reminds me of a similar item I had from Brigade Quartermaster.

  8. SoloDallas says:

    Isn’t it all sold out already? Bummer

  9. Joe says:

    I remember we had poor images of Brookwood camo available during the Army Camo Improvement testing, but it looks much better on a garment than a swatch.

  10. Dannydew says:

    Nicely put. Thanks a lot.
    Danny 🙂