Wilcox BOSS Xe

SureFire Field Notes – Bill Murphy

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Bill Murphy discusses loading the shotgun.

Bill has been a police officer for over 37 years, currently working as a Reserve Deputy with Los Angeles County Sheriff Department. Bill was also a Senior Police Officer assigned to Patrol /SWAT with the Huntington Beach PD in California, where he was also a Firearms Instructor/Armorer, Use of Force Instructor, and a member of the Range Advisory Committee, Gunsite Training Center Rangemaster, a Police Academy Instructor, an NRA, FBI, and an Adjunct Instructor for the U.S. Air Force Pararescue Advanced Weapons School. Bill serves as Lead Instructor for low-light and firearms courses at the SureFire Institute.


6 Responses to “SureFire Field Notes – Bill Murphy”

  1. Spencer says:

    Man, I dunno about all this. I appreciate that the guy has some credentials, but if you really need to reload a dry shotgun, I would imagine that you’re deep in doodoo and specifically loading it one short on a rounds limited firearm seems like bad practice, especially with such a loading process as present on tube fed shotguns.

    • miclo18d says:

      If you’re in deep doodoo, switch to hand gun, defend to give yourself space and time, reload all systems, get back in the fight!

      His info is good, but fighting with a shotgun is not preferred in most cases. In the military, the shotgun is primarily used as a breaching device (same rules apply, keep it loaded! Nothing like a “click” sound when standing at the breach point).

      In LEO, it is a riot control device ?

  2. Texas-Roll-Over says:

    Take it for what it is. More techniques to work with.

    He’s not saying this is the end all, be all. It’s just some techniques to use should you find yourself using a shotgun.

    I’ll try his techniques on the range this weekend and I love the statement he made, “do more push ups.”

    Good video, thx SSD.

  3. Kit Badger says:

    Probably one of the hardest weapon systems to run proficiently…

  4. Matt says:

    This really needs to take a Rob Haught shotgun class. His recoil management is horrible. It’s like watching Costa run a shotgun…nightmare bad.