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Diggerworks Soldier Evolution Exhibit

SSD friend Kent O is in Australia on business and snapped this photo of the Soldier Evolution Exhibit at Diggerworks.


Established in 2011, Diggerworks resides within Integrated Soldier Systems Branch. Its mission is to identify, develop and integrate Soldier Combat System (SCS) solutions to enhance the capability of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Land Combat.

3 Responses to “Diggerworks Soldier Evolution Exhibit”

  1. Darrin says:

    Is it sad that I have been issued with all six sets of uniforms and equipment they had on display?

    Many thanks to Diggerworks for the effort they put in, mostly fixing the issues raised by soldiers at the lowest levels and coming up with dome top notch gear.
    Except the Raptor, that one is a fail.

  2. Linz says:

    Still got my Auspack, 56 pat webbing & KD greens.
    SE next year.
    Likely end up displayed pickled in a big jar at Bandy

  3. Diggerworks says:

    Thanks for the plug Soldier Systems – you are on our daily Reading List!

    Diggerworks is a unique, multi-disciplinary team tasked with providing innovative and integrated solutions for the Soldier Combat System (SCS). Diggerworks resides within Land Systems Division and consists of warfighter Subject Matter Experts, defence engineers, defence scientists and project managers. Combined, they provide the analysis, design and test capability to develop and inform the integration of the Soldier Combat System.

    Diggerworks represents the first step in the development of a more responsive and adaptive acquisition approach which incorporates rapid feedback and modification of equipment to meet the operational deployment cycle. It will continue to be involved with units to ensure they get the best possible equipment on time.

    Longer term, it will help to develop requirements and shape the evolution of future soldier systems, and ensure a properly integrated approach whilst maintaining the optimum balance of protection, weight, comfort and useability. Diggerworks is ‘for the warfighter’ and is their voice throughout the Capability Life Cycle.

    Next time you’re in Melbourne, don’t hesitate to drop in!

    PS. We know who you are Kent O…