
Canebrake Zeroing Tool


Designed for achieving a battlesight zero on a .223/5.56mm AR pattern rifle with standard height sights at 25 meters, this tool features calibrated offsets for 100, 200, or 300 meters and can be used with any style of target. This tool was designed for military and law enforcement applications where zeroing is often conducted at reduced ranges and obviously is useful for sport shooters as well.

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4 Responses to “Canebrake Zeroing Tool”

  1. Adun says:

    I am assuming this is for M855 or M855A1 out of a 14.5″ barrel?

  2. Mike Lewis says:

    It was designed primarily for the M4 with M855 or M855A1 ammunition. That said, the testing before product release used weapons with 14.5, 16, and 20 inch barrels, and using both .223 and 5.56 loads ranging from 55 to 77 grains. The differences were negligible.

  3. Joey Johnson says:

    Dumb question. Is it just a clear card? With writing on it. I’m on my phone and cannot see very well!

  4. Mike Lewis says:

    Yes it is a transparent product.