A Date Which Will Live In Infamy

President Roosevelt called December 7th, 1941, “A date which will live in infamy.”


Today is the anniversary of the surprise Japanese attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor. Sadly, we no longer even hold ceremonies commemorating that day. As our greatest generation passes on, let us honor their sacrifices to keep America free.

I’d also like to take a moment of silence for the 2402 Americans who were lost on that day, along with the hundreds more who were wounded during the attack.

6 Responses to “A Date Which Will Live In Infamy”

  1. Gah says:

    Um, “Surprise anniversary”? Did you mean Anniversary of the Japanese Surprise attack?

  2. Stefan S. says:

    “Lest we forget”. I remember as a kid all the WW2 vets in our neighborhood despising Japanese Hondas and Toyotas.

  3. Joe Rywelski says:

    At nearly the same time (simultaneously, but over the international date line so on 12-08-1941) as the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attacked Wake Island in their confirmed belief that it was cut-off from U.S. support. The U.S. MARINES stationed there, supported by U.S. civilian construction contractors (and some indigenous people) had the ONLY successful repulsion of an amphibious attack of WWII (there were more than 3 major assaults), and the MARINES and contractors managed to sink several ships. Calls for help were ignored as it was believed that Wake Island was lost, so all help went to Pearl Harbor, HI, and 20+ days later, Wake Island finally fell.

    The civilian contractors stationed on Wake were “unarmed” because the Dept. of Defense thought that would prevent the enemy from treating them as enemy combatants. Japan removed ALL persons on the island to internment camps in Japan except for 100 who were essentially worked to death to rebuild the island fortifications and airfield.

    When it appeared that the U.S. would retake Wake, 98 of the remaining 99 were killed by firing squad, one escaped to carve:

    98 US PW 5-10-43

    (“98 U.S. Prisoners of War [killed] May 10, 1943”) on a rock near the water, before also being captured and killed [,_Wake_Island.jpg].

    The Department of Defense, in the aftermath of Wake, created military-trained and heavily armed Naval Construction Battalions (CBs) (SEABEES), and our fight song (march) recites “And we promise to remember, the 7th of December” NOT because of Pearl Harbor (also a day of infamy) but because of the U.S. civilians that fought and died like dogs on U.S. soil.

    Never Ever Forget

  4. Bradkaf308 says:

    My great Aunt in England, her brother in-law was “a guest of the Japanese”. he never talked about it till he was on his death bed. I don’t buy Japanese cars also.

    • Joe says:

      you dont buy Japansese products because your great Aunts brother-in-law was a japanese war prisoner almost 80 years ago?
      Seems like a weird prioroty.
      Do you own any electornics? TV, Mobile phone, computer, tablet, camera, kitchen appliances, optical instruments,?
      Ever been to hospital and recieved tratment with electronic instruments or treatment with drugs developed by japanese pharma-industry?
      Chances are high that you own and use multiple japansese products daily.
      Whatever you typed that message on probably has multiple components developed and made in japan..

      This is like lefties saying that they boycott israel because they dont own a sodastream..

      • Paul J says:

        “you dont buy Japansese products because your great Aunts brother-in-law was a japanese war prisoner almost 80 years ago?”
