SureFire XC3

James Yeager Wants You To Help Him Launch YeagerTUBE

As many of you may know, James Yeager has been banned by YouTube. To be sure, Yeager is a controversial figure in the firearms business. Some consider his banning is a blow to free speech while others feel that he brought it on himself. Regardless, we have to acknowledge that YouTube and other major social media platforms have become central to modern communications. Not many alternatives exist. Yeager recognized this and has developed a plan to create his own video hosting platform which he initially called YeagerTUBE, noting, “I am looking to build a free speech oasis in a sea of left wing censorship.”


The project has been renamed LiberTV with the project described as “WE are going to build a place where our freedom loving culture can share photos, articles, videos and podcasts. A place that doesn’t muzzle the voices of freedom and that cherishes our heritage.”

To make it a reality, he’s launched a Kickstarter campaign.

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141 Responses to “James Yeager Wants You To Help Him Launch YeagerTUBE”

  1. Joe_momma says:

    Oh god, this was Grand! Every yeager related post gets about 80% shade and 20% white knighting. I just know when SAD posted this there was a slight sigh of wtf is this gonna look like tomorrow morning. But it’s good to see ol Willis out and about defending his buddies honor. Where’s yeager, why isn’t he responding?

  2. Joe_momma says:

    Been several comments that someone else would be in charge and he’s just raising the money to start it. But the faqs on kick started say otherwise.

  3. Poundcake says:

    This guy is 100% GARBAGE!!!