
Hyde Definition Introduced New Leatherneck Pattern To PenCott Camo Line

The PenCott Line Of Camouflage patterns expands in 2018 with the introduction of “LeatherNeck”, named in honor of the colors of the MARPAT Marine Corps uniform. This product will be worn at SHOT Show by Sean from 02401 Tactical and they’ll have caps, gaiters and jackets coming as well.


12 Responses to “Hyde Definition Introduced New Leatherneck Pattern To PenCott Camo Line”

  1. Trav says:

    Gosh, can we get some products in Wildwood please?

  2. GoBliNuke says:

    Finally normal woodland pattern from pencott, not their bright green. Thanks marines for inspiration ))

  3. G3SM says:

    Ha, I remember that game, makes me all nostalgic for those days of switching from EGA to VGA graphics–oh wait, that’s a camoflage. 😉

    • Vic Toree says:

      I’m afraid your comment will be underappreciated. It’s excellent though, nicely done!

      I remember those days … not well because I’m too old for good memory but I know they happened!

  4. R89 says:

    Marines with their crayons again… 😉

    • 0241TACTICAL says:

      LeatherNeck provides somerhing new to the PenCott family of patterns, a true intermediate pattern. Over the years, I have watched numerous forums with pictures posted showing BadLands, SnowDrift, GreenZone and even SandStorm highlighting how effective the patterns are. I’m not disputing their effectiveness. The key take away is that these photos were typically staged in the perfect spot to highlight those camouflage patterns effectiveness. Of course PenCott looks good and of course it works well but there is room to grow. Having a hand in helping developing LeatherNeck, our intent was to make a pattern with enough green and enough brown to work in all of the areas that fall in between ultra-green and in ultra-brown dominant surroundings. Especially for users in the US who live in environments where there is a blend of tan, brown, and green. I’ve used GreenZone, and BadLands in the Sierra Nevada mountains and Alaska and I can say that while effective, both had their drawbacks. The Marine Corps put extensive testing into the colors used in their MARPAT uniforms both desert and woodland. Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not incorporate tried and tested and colors into the very popular PenCott family of patterns? Like the Marines or hate them, they made a effective camo pattern. So perhaps other services should consider eating crayons too since the other services managed to create eye sores such as blue digi and ACU and ABU patterns.

  5. John says:

    Definitely like it better than the bright greens in Green Zone. Green Zone should be their tropic pattern and this can be their standard woodland pattern.

    • Steveb says:

      Yes better for dormant woodlands. Badlands is too light and Greenzone too green for dormant/brown dominant woodlands.

  6. Joe says:

    Weird…its almost like the Marines have their own pattern already of something.

  7. SXT says:

    While I have no doubt that the opposite might be true for other parts of the world, at least in the German forest and grasslands PenCott GreenZone seems to be one of the best, if not THE best abstract camo pattern out there. And the reason for this is specifically the bright green; many other patterns have green tones that are too dark. Nevertheless, the combination of MARPAT and Pencott looks really cool, and I am looking forward to see how it performs in our areas – or even have a direct comparison between LeatherNeck, WildWoods and GreenZone.