Protact by Haartz

SHOT Show 18 – ITS Tactical TourniQuick Pouch

ITS Tactical has spent the last year-and-a-half developing the patent pending TourniQuick Pouch. It is is compatible with SOFTT-W and CAT and what I like is that it completely encapsulates the tourniquet, protecting it from debris as well as UV light.

It’s simple to deploy. Pull on the red-banded fabric ring at the top and it come out, ready to deploy.

Finally, it features ITS Tactical’s 4-way mounting system. It can be belt mounted horizontally and vertically and is also PALS compatible. They’ve also added one-wrap to attach it to pack straps.

Look for it later this year in Black, Coyote and MultiCam.


4 Responses to “SHOT Show 18 – ITS Tactical TourniQuick Pouch”

  1. sean says:

    Looks like a cool product, looks like a great way to protect the TQ while speeding up access when it’s needed. I just wish they had someone still doing SHOT coverage while they promote their stuff in the Raine booth this year.

  2. Kango says:

    Need a video to see how this works.

  3. diddy says:

    Why is “patend-pending 4-way mounting system” trademarked?

  4. rearmount says:

    Looks great! Hopefully Ranger Green will also be an option down the line!