Protact by Haartz

DroneShield Ltd Announces DroneGun Tactical

DroneShield Ltd announces the DroneGun Tactical product, available for purchase by qualified end-users.

The release of DroneGun Tactical follows the release of DroneGun MKII in late 2017. DroneGun Tactical is much more compact than the MKII model but has a shorter range.


• No backpack – the product is entirely self contained within the rifle body, while maintaining lightweight and long effective range (over 1km).

• Addition of 433Mhz and 915Mhz frequencies, to ensure complete effectiveness across drone models.

• Ergonomic body and controls.

• Further alignment with standard military specifications, including standardised NATO military battery power.

DroneGun Tactical is not intended to supercede DroneGun MKII. Rather, it is designed for users with a different set of requirements than those using DroneGun MKII.


2 Responses to “DroneShield Ltd Announces DroneGun Tactical”

  1. SpartanDieselTech says:

    Not saying this doesn’t serve a purpose, but I feel like the cat is already out the bag with UAV’s. Anyone with real nefarious intent is already aware of products like this, and with so many inertial, optical, thermal and GPS based navigation systems available off the shelf, radio jamming seems like weak fix.

    This might keep Timmy from flying his Phantom into the airport by mistake, or Johnny methhead from spying on the cops with a Walmart drone, but protecting against terrorist acts? I’m not seeing it.

  2. Mehmaster says:

    Absolutely can do the better with a yagi and the THOR. Unfortunately most people who are supposed to know anything about EW are parrots and mouthbreathers so the answer is to buy shit from industry shills.