RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Ravelin Group, LLC Offering 1-Day Cold Weather Carbine Course

Ravelin Group, LLC is conducting a single day Cold Weather Carbine Course on Saturday, February 10th, 2018 at the Watertown, WI Conservation Club.


??Course cost is $250.00 plus a $25.00 range fee (cash only) for the Conservation Club.?Start time is 9:00 and will conclude about 5:00pm?

Ross Botha from Lancer Systems will be our special guest and he will bring some Lancer System select-fire carbines for demonstration and test-firing.  (Bring extra non-steel cased factory loaded ammo, if you plan to test-fire the Lancer System AR’s)?

Contact Steve@RavelinGroup.com for additional information or call (630) 834-4423 to sign-up.?


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