SureFire XC3

Got $2500 For A Jacket?


The North Face is teaming with Japanese designer Junya Watanabento release the new Terra 65 Jacket, later this Spring. Made from Gore-Tex Windstopper, it features an integrated backpack.


26 Responses to “Got $2500 For A Jacket?”

  1. Stefan S. says:

    Nope. Not even if I won the lottery.

  2. joe says:

    What’s this? SSD mocking something for being overpriced because it’s has a famous name attached? Someone call Army Times, my SGM just called from hell asking for a $1,500 down Arcteryx jacket.

    • SSD says:

      I didn’t mock it. This was meant to put things into perspective for the guys who shop at Kmart.

  3. Zach says:

    Have smocks gone too far? More tonight at 10.

  4. jbgleason says:

    I don’t wanna hear nothin next time someone gripes about the price of Gucci gear.

  5. Redbeard says:

    As if to crown their position as the Huffy of outdoor apparel.

  6. Spankdaddycool says:

    Sigh, everyone in this thread sounds poor.

    • joe says:

      That’s because 99% of readers here actually do cost/benefit analysis, as is required when you pull a government paycheck.

      Surprisingly, the government doesn’t pay well when your job is killing bad guys for a living.

      Those who don’t do any sort of CBA ,and still do bad things to bad people are using someone else’s money and probably work for a unit that asks few questions when it comes to procurement.

    • drink some hemlock says:

      “le sigh, I’m so rich your poor people problems sound trite”

      You’re lowkey humblebragging about being rich on a blog. How sad is your life dude?

  7. Stone11C says:

    How about NO! Ya crazy Dutch, err…Japanese bastard!

  8. Joe says:

    Why in the world do people get upset over prices of things they’re not forced to buy? JUST DON’T BUY IT! The only thing about this that offends me is that someone at TNF actually agreed that a jacket/backpack fusion is something worth doing

  9. Dellis says:

    Not sure the $2500 is retail, most likely MSRP but even then it may be $2k which is pretty steep for this concept or idea. Can it hold more than a good smock?

    If the pack is filled out does the weight pull on your bag or does it wear like a true backpack would?

  10. jjj0309 says:

    My $20 Swiss army smock do better job.

  11. TheFull9 says:

    Charge whatever you want for whatever you make.

    Stuff in a backpack you can’t get it is pretty useless stuff though. I’d say there’s a reason smocks have big pockets up front. Same issue as pouches/panels fixed on the back of a PC, unless the price of the jacket comes with an urban buddy to follow around behind you everywhere?

    Wouldn’t say not to looking one over to figure out what the design/use intention actually is, been surprised before and it will happen again of course.

  12. AGL Bob says:

    Why would anyone want to remove their jacket to get into their backpack?

  13. Gerard says:

    This is how they get back at us for firebombing their capital

  14. BM says:

    It’s like a futuristic TFN radioman float coat.

  15. corsair says:

    Simply a limited edition, collaboration between a manufacturer and a designer having some fun with their IP geared to generate social media buzz. Probably less than 500 made world-wide.

    • Whiskey Bravo says:

      The concept of the fashion industry and wearing things simply for the look is lost on Fudds and Threepers, no point in even trying to explain it to them.

    • Ross says:

      Exactly. You take one look at it you know it’s not real gear. There is plenty of crossover high fashion/outdoor gear type stuff, especially in Japan. To compare a semi expensive Arc’teryx piece to this means you probably shouldn’t be commenting.

      That being said, this is one ugly stupid ass jacket.

  16. AbnMedOps says:

    Slightly reminiscent of a WWII 10th Mountain Division parka’s cargo-back, about which I’ve posted previously.

  17. Jeff S says:

    Can I get it with ________ gun company’s logo embroidered on it?

  18. Desh says:

    I mean..besides the price tag….is anyone seeing the obvios that this jacket looks as obnoxious as the person that would pay $2,500 to own it. Not to mention you have to take your jacket off to get in your pack. What if I want to put my jacket in my pack? What’s that look like.

  19. straps says:

    Suddenly I feel a little less stupid about the $700 I dropped on those Multicam Black duffels. But only a little.

  20. Ken Rull says:

    Price aside, I’ll pass on the leaking moobs jacket.