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New Camo For The Royal Australian Navy


This is the replacement of the Disruptive Pattern Print (DPP)-derived Disruptive Pattern Naval Uniform (DPNU) with the MCP-derived Maritime Multicam Camouflage Uniform (MMCU) for the Royal Australian Navy.

18 Responses to “New Camo For The Royal Australian Navy”

  1. Gripen says:

    Man, the Aussies really got it right with their new Army pattern, but the Air Force and now this Navy one just look stupid. I feel slightly better knowing that as bad as UCP is, it ain’t the worst camo out there.

  2. Kris says:

    I hate myself for not hating this.

  3. cy says:

    Are those reflective strips on the arms??? Why waste money on a camo pattern only to add reflective strips to heighten visibility. Who thinks up this stuff?

    • Cuvie says:

      I feel like Naval camo uniforms are usual less about actually camouflaging yourself against the environment and more about making oil/mechanical fluid stains less noticeable. The reflective bits are there because if you go overboard, you WANT to be seen

  4. Darrin Neale says:

    It is all about brand, ADF pattern, Navy colours. Except for the reflective stripes, it is a good pallet for Littoral ops.
    Than there is that convention thing about uniformed combatants that everyone forgets to consider.

    • Dev says:

      “Uniformed combatants” means being easily and readily identifiable country of origin. It doesn’t say service distinction. Having multiple camouflage patterns for different branches of service for a tiny Defence Force is stupid and a waste of money. Not to mention not needing camouflage properties.

  5. CRBR says:

    Seems like a half-way decent Urban/Night camo for LE. I don’t see why Sailors can’t wear olive drab or navy blue tops and bottoms. Camo for sailors always struck me as extravagant.

    • Mike says:

      USCG wears navy blue tops and bottoms. Looks fine. The USN should have gone that route a decade ago when they decided to go with the blue digi camo.

  6. Linz says:

    The old RAN pattern looked very similar to swatches I saw in the 1980’s of the proposed ‘Urban’ pattern in the AUSCAM family.
    Have heard it said that the current patterns are more to justify costs/royalties post Midpoint rejection.

  7. Vince says:

    No. Just no.

  8. Matt says:

    Cool. “Multi-cam Grey” on a Bradley Manning doll. LoL.

    Looks good, and I understand the logic.

  9. Mark says:

    Just like Multicam Black, this Aussie Navy pattern looks like it could be a good option for law enforcement use….although it might be too “militarized” for some with sensitive eyes.

    On a side note, I wonder: is this what dogs see, whenever they look at a human wearing Multicam?

    • James says:

      Still too dark. I would love to see a tan- grey- medium brown- green multicam, might actually work . This and MC black just aren’t intended to really be camouflage. Lots of good colors for urban and night, black just isn’t one of them.

      • Mark says:

        Right on.

        I totally agree that neither this new Aussie Navy, nor the MC Black, are actual “camouflage” patterns….and I don’t think that anyone ever would claim that they were intended to be.

        They both sure do look tough, though.

  10. Strike-Hold says:

    Yet another ridiculous and pointless “branding” exercise – although at least it doesn’t look quite as atrocious as the Australian Air Force blue version….

    The reflective strips on the arms are a carry-over from the previous version of the camo uniform which was actually a kind of cool urban / suburban grey version of the old Jelly-Bean / Bunny Ears camo.

    Some bright spark in HQ obviously that i would be a safety hazard to have camouflaged sailors on board ships, so he / she insisted on adding reflective strips in order to kill the camouflaging effect of the camouflage…

  11. GMK says:

    Actually, the reflective stripes pre-dated the whole camouflage thing and were on the Navy grey coveralls from the 1990s & early 2000s. Just a(n I’ll-advised) hold over.