RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SureFire Field Notes Ep 23 – Low Light EDC with Steve Fisher

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Steve Fisher of Sentinel Concepts discusses his EDC preferences for low light situations.


Steve Fisher has been the owner/lead instructor for Sentinel Concepts since 2014. He also is a contract instructor for numerous ranges in Michigan and has been a staff instructor for EAG Tactical for the past 5 years. Steve currently serves as a reserve officer with an agency in the southern United States as a firearms trainer for SWAT and patrol divisions.

Steve’s career as a trainer started in the 90’s, first at NTFT and then later as the owner/ lead trainer of MDFI, both Michigan-based companies, and served as one of the primary Instructors for Magpul Dynamics. He was responsible for the development of new programs and tactics for several local police departments and new training curriculum’s based on low light, home defense and the use of the carbine, handgun, and shotgun in various roles.

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2 Responses to “SureFire Field Notes Ep 23 – Low Light EDC with Steve Fisher”

  1. Gerard says:

    That line, ‘the gun will save your life, the handheld light will save other peoples lives’. That’s now part of the training info I give to those I teach. Great video

  2. Lone Element says:

    Nice work, great Info Fisher.