
SPARTANAT: Gear Made in USA – Back Bay USA

On our trip through the States we made a home visit in San Diego at Back Bay USA. The owner, Jack Graham, was available for an interview.


SPARTANAT: Jack, thanks for your Invitation to visit your facility! How long are You in Business with this Company?

JACK: I launched Back Bay USA in January 2018. I have been a partner at other companies in the past, and decided it was time to start my own business.


SPARTANAT: What`s your Military Background?

JACK: I am a retired United States Navy Senior Chief FMF/DV/FPJ, Special Amphibious Corpsman (SARC). (Those designations mean I was Fleet Marine Force, Diver, Freefall Parachutist). I served for 23 years, working mostly with the U.S. Marines. I served with 1st Recon Battalion, 1st Force Reconnaissance Company, and 1st Marines, just to name a few!


SPARTANAT: How does your Background influence your products?

JACK: I grew up in a Navy family and learned at a young age to “do more with less” and how to be creative. After I joined the service, I discovered the Marines used the same slogan! We had to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome the lack of funding that was given to the Marines; and especially the Corpsman/Medical sections back then was week at best. Things have changed for the Marines now and they have some great gear, thank God.


SPARTANAT: Where else do you get your ideas from?

JACK: I watched a lot of The Man from U.N.C.L.E., James Bond – 007, Our Man Flint back in the day. Making my own weapons, and parachutes to jump off the two-story base housing when I was in first grade; I might add without breaking my legs! Sometimes I try not to think about anything, and that is when the ideas happen. The inspiration you seek is already inside you.
So shut up and listen!

SPARTANAT: Do you do collaborations or produce gear for other companies?
JACK: We do both OEM manufacturing in-house as well as design work for others. We have on-site designers and engineers. I can’t say much more about who our customers are, other than they are some pretty cool people!


SPARTANAT: Tell us about the “mysterious” material you are using.

JACK: We started looking at new technologies about 18 months ago. We wanted to move Some people thought my ideas were crazy and “whacked out” and that’s one of the reasons I decided to launch my own company. They could not see the vision. So, back to the “mysterious materials”. First, they are not fabrics. They are laminate composites made in the USA. Made of material that is 15X the strength of steel and flexible, with the ability to be sewn and cut with a laser. Products like Tegris, and Dyneema but not limited to one brand or one company.


SPARTANAT: What about that magnetic locking mechanism?


JACK: Well, this is still a work in progress. The pack magnetic release system is built. We’re just waiting for some technology to catch up with us. Let’s just say I need a certain magnet company in Germany to speed up…


SPARTANAT: Where can we buy your products?



SPARTANAT: What are the plans for the future?

JACK: NATO show in October, Ripper single point release, Tactogami, Magnopacks, 28L FNG pack and last but not least.. The vision is… Armor The World, what else?

SPARTANAT: Anything else?

JACK: I am not a big fan of looking like a soldier unless you are in the military or going hunting. Why not hide in plain sight. You know, Greyman shit. If you want to be a target when you are out and about then wear your camo and military looking packs.

Wink, wink, nod, nod… I see you!


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2 Responses to “SPARTANAT: Gear Made in USA – Back Bay USA”

  1. Brian says:

    Website and Instagram link don’t work.

  2. Spencer says:

    Correct Instagram would be