SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Something Happened…Something Wonderful

Today marks our 10th Anniversary of daily coverage for the tactical industry.


For 10 years, I’ve been eating elephants. Some days it’s a baby elephant and some days it’s a bull. Regardless, I’ve learned to go at it one bite at a time, writing posts day in and day out for 10 years now. In fact, I only missed publishing one day in the last decade. It was about a month in, and I was at a family reunion at a park where there was no internet available. Since then, I’ve made arrangements to publish no matter where I am.

It’s been tough, but rewarding. I’ve had opportunities of a lifetime, and missed things I shouldn’t have. I’ll keep at it as long as you keep reading.

60 Responses to “Something Happened…Something Wonderful”

  1. Alpha2 says:

    As someone who comes here daily to see what is happening within the community I say congratulations on the achievement and hopefully another 10 years. Thank you.

  2. LCSO264 says:

    first, thank you for your work and efforts. SSD is one of the two websites I check daily. your coverage and reporting has proven to be accurate, and very useful. as long as you keep at it, I’ll keep reading.

    thanks again,

  3. JF says:

    Congrats Eric – you set the standard for what you do.

  4. Scottish Jim says:

    Congrats on the huge milestone. Please keep it up, you’re doing amazing work that’s appreciated worldwide.

    I like many others check three or four times a day and although most of the posts aren’t to do with our side of the pond I still find the content very interesting and informative.

  5. Steveb says:

    You see, it’s all very clear to me now,… it’s wonderful!

  6. Erick says:

    Congratulations Eric. Very nicely done sir.

  7. mcs says:

    Many thanks for the hard work and astounding dedication. Always an unparalleled source of news and analysis here.

  8. Todd Askins says:

    Thank you for all the awesome work you have done and I really appreciate the friendship we have built because of SSD!