RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

The New Rockwell Tactical Group Website Goes Live


Hershey, PAMay 31, 2018 – Today Rockwell Tactical Group (RTG) launched the all-new RockwellTactical.com. The site has been completely redone and offers students an easy way to sign up for classes. Rockwell Tactical has grown significantly over the past 12-months, adding new courses and capabilities across the country. The new site is the next step in the evolution of RTG.

“Our company continues to grow, so I’m very happy to say we now have a website that can keep pace with everything going on at RTG,” said Jared Ross, owner, Rockwell Tactical Group.  “We hope our students will find the site helpful as they learn about our training options and sign up for classes.”

The new RTG newsletter has also launched, full of tips and insights from Jared and the other RTG trainers to consider while training at a local range in between classes. Go to the RTG newsletter page of the website to sign-up.

Rockwell Tactical Group is Pennsylvania’s top training group recognized nationwide for its principle-based firearms training capabilities and instructor knowledge and experience.

Follow Rockwell Tactical Group on Instagram @rockwelltactical and on Facebook @rockwelltacticalgroup to keep pace with everything going on at RTG.


One Response to “The New Rockwell Tactical Group Website Goes Live”

  1. JK says:

    Yo Jon.. check it out… hes rocking your design. Don’t remember seeing that on a shirt on your site though…