Protact by Haartz

High Angle Solution – Brigantes Presents – Silva Expedition 55 Commanders Compass

If you are looking for the one compass that does it all then this is it.  Gone are the days where you carry a plastic lightweight compass for navigation and a brass prismatic sighting compass for accurate direction finding.  This combination provides a tool that will enable you to not only move from point to point but also effectively call for fire and give target indication using mils or degrees.

Not only does this massively reduce the weight that you have to carry, by combining these two devices, but it also drops the cost considerably.  The compass is available in northern and southern hemisphere varieties and comes with a distance measuring lanyard.

Silva have produced compasses for 85 years and supply the European militaries with their navigational tools.  This compass along with the Expedition 5 constitute a small but tight range of military compasses that focus on the needs of a dynamic and flexible force.

For more information get in touch by email on or for UK customers

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4 Responses to “High Angle Solution – Brigantes Presents – Silva Expedition 55 Commanders Compass”

  1. joe says:

    is there anything new with this version?
    I have had this compass since 2010.. its great btw, but not very sturdy..

  2. Meusoc says:

    Made in China

  3. R711 says:

    Doesn’t the Silva Ranger in MILS already do this?