GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Lockhart Tactical UBS-12 Under Barrel Mount – Shotgun Attachment System – 870 and Clones

The UBS-12 (Under Barrel Shotgun 12 Gauge) is a door breaching shotgun system manufactured by Lockhart Tactical.

Typically, Soldiers or Law Enforcement officers are forced to carry a breaching shotgun in addition to their standard issue rifle during operations.

The Lockhart Tactical UBS-12 removes this requirement. Consisting of a Grizzly shotgun embedded in their proprietary quick release mount, it is used in an underbarrel configuration much like the M203 grenade launcher.

This shotgun cannot be operated independently due to not having a pistol grip behind the trigger. When firing the UBS, the magazine of the parent firearm must be used as a pistol grip. Soon, they’ll release a proprietary Pistol grip and Buttstock which will be able to be quickly attached and detached on the UBS for independent firing without being attached to another firearm.

What can the UBS-12 Mount do for me?

Whether or not you’re a Solider, LE Officer or Professional using this device for breaching, our UBS has a lot to offer. Civilian Hunters can benefit immensely by carrying our tiny UBS under their favorite bolt action hunting rifle.

Apart for security reasons, Hunters could also quickly attach the UBS to help ensure they don’t go home from a hunt empty handed. Maybe you won’t see a deer cross your path, but if an unlucky flock of turkeys happens to surprise you… Seize the day! It features a 2+1 magazine which means its perfectly legal for hunting.

Attachment Mechanism:
The Lockhart Tactical UBS-12 features dual locking levers manufactured 100% in the USA by American Defense.

Mount Features:

The proprietary billet aluminum mounts are machined entirely in BC, Canada and requires a mere 10 picatinny rail slots (4″ / 10cm”) to attach securely. The UBS-12 mount features a proprietary quick attach Buttstock and Pistol grip combination to convert into a shoulder fire-able compact shotgun which still retains the ability to be under barrel mounted. The Quick Attach Optic mount will sit on top of the UBS while in the shoulder fired configuration and shall retain zero on optics when detached and reattached.

Firearm Platforms:

Our mounts will be compatible with the following firearms:

• AR15

• AR10


• M4

• M14

• M16

• Robinson Arms XCR

• Norinco Type 97

• Just Right Carbines (9mm, .40, .45)

• Ruger 10/22

• MP15-22

• Mossberg Tactical 715T


• Heckler & Koch HK416

• Sig Sauer 522

• Sig Sauer 516

• SR-47

• AK47

• And More! (Strong Bottom Rail Required!)

Mount Specifications:

Weight: 0.2 lbs

Length: 7″

Width: 1.25″

Height: 2.75″

Available in Black or Flat Dark Earth.


12 Responses to “Lockhart Tactical UBS-12 Under Barrel Mount – Shotgun Attachment System – 870 and Clones”

  1. .308 says:

    these guys are a drop ship only web store in Canada…. I doubt they are manufacturing anything?

  2. Adun says:

    ” Civilian Hunters can benefit immensely by carrying our tiny UBS under their favorite bolt action hunting rifle.”

    Uhh, what? Most units have moved away from underslung shotguns, because it doesn’t make sense to haul such a heavy weapon in your hands all the time when the shotgun is only going to get used occasionally. Now they want to have hunters hauling this foolishness?

  3. Matillac says:

    I want to see one just so I can mount it under my Ruger 10/22 for when squirrel season rolls around.

  4. jbgleason says:

    Someone might want to address the NFA issue as well. The promo reads like you can just walk down to the local gun shop and pick up a 12″ shotgun.

    • Ryan says:

      AR Pistol + Undermounted Shockwave = ?

      None of those items end with a stock touching a shoulder, so its hard to make the argument that anything involved is a SB anything. Unless the argument is that the Shockwaves pistol grip constitutes a vertical grip for an AR pistol. Which would be awkward to say since the Shockwave isn’t a pistol or shotgun to have a pistol grip to begin with….

      Now THIS is podracing!

      But hey, the Reformation passed through and became a thing so who knows what next. The ATF is fatiguing and clearly looking for ways to reduce their workload and that results in a lot of bones being thrown to the gun community as long as we don’t stray too far.

      • jbgleason says:

        Soon, they’ll release a proprietary Pistol grip and *Buttstock* which will be able to be quickly attached and detached on the UBS for independent firing without being attached to another firearm.

        Shockwave gets away with the 14″ barrel because the birds head grip puts the OAL over 26″. That shotgun appears to not have even a 14″ barrel and it certainly isn’t over 26″. Not to mention, the second you put the proprietary buttstock (as quoted above) on it you have a SBS. This thing is NFA no matter how you look at it.

  5. patrick sweeney says:

    Is it April 1 already? Let us forget for the moment that we’re talking about going hunting with an SBS, and you’d better have both a deer license and turkey license, if you want to “enjoy” this gizmo.

    • Ryan says:

      I think the biggest appeal would be to dangerous game hunters who would use the UBS as a followup/approach weapon. And if you’ve got African Safari money and African Safari time you’ve probably also got SBS money and SBS time to wait for the stamp…..

  6. Dan says:

    Is it 2005? No other weapon attachment has such a negative effect on employing your rifle effectively in a cqb environment! Throw this mod and idea in the bin where it belongs. This lesson has already been learnt.

  7. Nate says:

    Cool mod, probably for Predator 4…

  8. Mr Mxyzptlk says:

    Ignoring the fact about whether having a shotgun under a rifle is a good idea (it isn’t) is the way this one mechanically attaches a good idea? As far as I can tell it only bolts onto the pic rail so it is putting all of the recoil into parts that are not necessarily designed to take it. There is a reason that the M203 and the M320 (and the original KAC Masterkey for that matter) have that weird mount that transfers the recoil to the barrel nut rather than the handguard.

    With grenade launchers that slide onto a rail like the H&K GLM they do not rely on the rail and are actually held in place with a cross pin through the gas block in the case of the HK416, or with a mount to a specially strengthened FSB in the case of the the British L119A1.