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SureFire Field Notes Ep. 28, Hand-held Light Transitions with Aaron Cowan

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics discusses how to transition from a hand-held light to a handgun mounted weaponlight.

Aaron began his career in the United States Army (11M) in 1999, serving 3 years active duty and an additional 4 in the National Guard (11M). During his time in the military he served as a rifleman, squad automatic rifleman and designated marksman; receiving training in small unit tactics, close quarters combat and ballistic and mechanical breaching.

After leaving active duty, Aaron worked as a private security contractor both CONUS and OCONUS; conducting convoy security, close protection details, static security and relief security during natural disasters. Aaron joined the ranks of federal law enforcement in 2009 with the Department of Defense; serving as a patrol officer. Within a year, Aaron assumed the position of In-Service training officer. Aaron held the collateral duty of Special Reaction Team member in 2009 and was promoted to Special Reaction Team Leader in 2011. Aaron was responsible for Special Reaction Team training and qualifications as well as instruction and control of the SRT Sniper Section. Aaron is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association and the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors.



2 Responses to “SureFire Field Notes Ep. 28, Hand-held Light Transitions with Aaron Cowan”

  1. Marcus says:

    Wonder if Aaron also got to use the XH55g?

  2. Will Rodriguez says:

    Great stuff Aaron. Thanks for sharing.

    Folks check out Sage Dynamics, awesome training. His vehicle class was paradigm changing. Exceptionally informative. Looking forward to taking a force on force class.