GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Prym1 Camo Crowned Winners of the UF PRO Camo World Cup

After facing three gruelling rounds of closely-contested ‘camo clash matches’, Prym1 Camo, a new breed of non-directional hybrid camouflage, comes of age defeating the more established patterns of MultiCam (USA), PenCott™ Greenzone (UK), Flecktarn (GER) and Vegetato (ITA) to be crowned the most popular camouflage pattern of UF PRO®’s 100,000-strong social media fan base.

The Prym1® patterns are a range of camouflage colourways for multiple environments, that have been professionally designed with the idea of allowing you to move through various terrains by utilizing the depth, colours, shadows, highlights and organic shapes found on predators in the wild. The Prym1® tactical camo patterns have been developed for personnel that want to be concealed and blend into their surroundings at all times, whether on the move or from a hide site.

What does this mean for Prym1 Camo?

Obviously backed by an army of passionate supporters who are demanding a sense of change from the more established, traditional camouflage patterns in the tactical world, the new-age Prym1 Camo pattern will soon be available as a limited edition piece in UF PRO®’s most popular collection, the Striker BDU.

For more information regarding licensing, fabric information and decoration contact: richard@prym1camo.com


20 Responses to “Prym1 Camo Crowned Winners of the UF PRO Camo World Cup”

  1. Kris says:

    Am I the only one that thinks this pattern looks like Kriptec screen pint rejects?

    • SteveB says:

      Nope, you’re not alone. Notice Kryptek wasn’t included in the ‘competition’.

      • Strike-Hold says:

        And you can tell that those three “environmental photos” included with the release are all sims.

        • Adam says:

          It sure looks similar to Kryptek, but at least they have a working green ops / woodland coloration. Pencott works great, but looks not-so-good. Kryptek is good people and the pattern looks pretty, but this “spinoff” looks nice AND works in the forests. Which is a major theater these days. I kind of like it.

  2. Cesare says:

    In my opinion this camo competition was strongly biased toward Prym1.
    Pencott is a far superior choice.

    • MWellman says:

      Negative, it is no a far superior choice over the Prym1 patterns. You may have been confused with the US Army’s ACU pattern. I have seen a similar pattern used by the Afghan National Army. So I am giving the Pencott and F for originality. Is the Pencott pattern a good option for a military use? That depends on the location in which you plan to fight. To me it’s too dark to blend in places that are well lit or urban areas. I feel personally that the Prym1 pattern has more flexibility to it than most as far as patterns go. Meaning that it is a lighter pattern that breaks up the human out line. This also means that the same pattern would work in places that have less light ie a wood line since the natural lack of light will also darken the pattern to fit the shades around it. All in all the Prym1 pattern is superior to Pencott pattern in my opinion. I have 15 years of active military service and counting , along with 28 years of hunting experience. I feel that out of all currently existing patterns Prym1 is the most adaptable to any environment and performs well doing it.

  3. greg stone says:

    Well Kryptek fabric is by far superior for the hunter/survival/military long term outdoors engagements

    The camo pattern should be taken to court for copyright issues possibly

    • Joe says:

      Is Kryptek infiltrated hunting and fashion camo enough that is doesn’t look as paramilitary as other options?

      Hard to be subtle in public wearing most military patterns.

  4. Jeremy says:

    So was this simply a popularity contest or did someone actually go out and test Prym1 against the patterns it “beat”? Because, to be honest, I don’t care how cool it looks if it doesn’t work better I don’t want it.

    • It was a bracket with voting on Instagram.

    • Bret says:

      This pattern has been tested over the last few years in multiple terrains and works incredible. Check out their Facebook page. It may “just be for hunting” in those pics but you can see how effective it is in multiple terrains with their various patterns. They’re a newer company, but that doesn’t take away from the effectiveness of the pattern

  5. C. Myngs says:

    Looking at their website, their pattern is partly based on the effectiveness of leopard spots. I’m not sure its the best in the world (per internet voting), but I do like that Prym is trying something different. If nothing else it adds to the body of knowledge on camo.


  6. Casey says:

    I am a military veteran. I was out of the service long before I would have had a chance to try this new pattern scheme by Prym1. I have had the pleasure of getting to know the founders and owners and learned how the pattern came about – via a large volume of study and built by scratch by a painting artist studying predators in the wild. I have worn and am very familiar with Kryptek which has become popular because it was new, interesting, and effective. I had the immense pleasure of testing Prym1 from head to toe this year during archery elk in Idaho. The clothing was fantastic, and the pattern worked flawlessly resulting in a full freezer! We tested the pattern in light, shadows, open meadows, thick trees, rocks, and everything in between. The people involved and their pattern are exceptional. Knowing those who have had to break the pattern down for cerakote, there is a complexity to the pattern not found in any other pattern we have tested or utilized. To the naysayers on this feed, I would challenge them to actually TRY the product before they attack a great new young company with a viable pattern without any basis with which to do so. The products are very affordable and the company is very open to feedback!

  7. Our team can attest to the effectiveness of the Prym1 pattern both in the woods as hunters but also with 35 years of combined military service and seeing many different pattern changes while serving. It’s with that experience and knowledge that we 100% back Prym1 Camo and will continue to do so into the future. The design process for an artist to take a predator pattern that not only affectively works in the shadows , out in the open and within different environments and situations was well thought out and simply wasn’t some shapes and color changes as others in the industry use. It doesn’t matter the popularity or how great the owners are – as hunters , tactical teams or military we simply wouldn’t wear or promote it if it wasn’t effective to use.

    Take the challenge and put it to the test before you decide to type some keys to bad mouth a pattern effectiveness you know nothing about. http://www.prym1camo.com

    “ Adam “

  8. Mark C says:

    I have been using this Camo for some time now. It have taken picture of it in action out in the woods and it blends way better then any other that I have used in the past. While it may resemble Kriptic it is not the same. The shapes are shaded better and have a more organic shape. As was said above it was made based on the shape a animals in the wild. Hands down this stuff works where ever you take it to. So be a predator and not a tree and give it try, you wont regret it.

  9. Bret says:

    As an army veteran, I wore BDUs and ACUs while I served and now wear Multicam for most of the hunting I do. I will say that Prym1 holds its own against ANY company out there. The concept behind the design of Prym1 works and does an incredible job of breaking up your silhouette and blending into your terrain. It has been tested over and over by hunters all across the US and they have multiple patterns that blend in with the terrain extremely well. Honestly when looking at Prym1 side by side to Multicam in the field, I would rather be wearing Prym1 and am switching my hunting clothing over time as I can. If I was to go back into the military, I would rather be wearing Prym1 than any other pattern. But that is just an old grunt’s opinion.

  10. Montoya says:

    I spent 15 years in the United States Army and many years of it in direct combat. Prym1 Camo is by far superior in all patterns available. That is correct I said PATTERNS because they have one for every environment. This is about becoming your surroundings and tactical advantages and Prym1 Camo delivers that. There is a reason Prym1 Camo won and that is because it’s far superior and Combat tested and approved!

  11. Nathan says:

    I am a hunting guide and an army veteran. I have owned a lot of camouflage in my life. All of the previous camouflage I have worn never met my needs as well as prym1 has. If I had my option to choose my pattern when I had gone to Afghanistan it would have been the prym1 line. I feel like I blend with my environment. The more confidence in your equipment the better people tend to preform. “Why be a tree when you can be a predator” is because of the way the camouflage was created from wild life animal predator patterns. The competition was supposed to be in good fun and the opinion of the people all over the world. Not to draw lines and get nasty with each other.

    Good luck and god bless

  12. MWellman says:

    I have seen a similar pattern used by the Afghan National Army. So I am giving the Pencott and F for originality. Is the Pencott pattern a good option for a military use? That depends on the location in which you plan to fight. To me it’s too dark to blend in places that are well lit or urban areas. I feel personally that the Prym1 pattern has more flexibility to it than most as far as patterns go. Meaning that it is a lighter pattern that breaks up the human out line. This also means that the same pattern would work in places that have less light ie a wood line since the natural lack of light will also darken the pattern to fit the shades around it. All in all the Prym1 pattern is superior to Pencott pattern in my opinion. I have 15 years of active military service and counting , along with 28 years of hunting experience. I feel that out of all currently existing patterns Prym1 is the most adaptable to any environment and performs well doing it. I used to me a mossy oak guy or i would use my old BDUs. I have been using Prym1 for almost Two years and I notice a significant difference when I wear it over other patterns. As far as the claims as to how it looks like kryptec there are similarities to it but when seem next each other there is a huge difference. Kinda like mossy oak and real tree are similar.

  13. Andy Anderson says:

    Prym1 is the most versitale and adaptive pattern capable of achieving not just blending but matching in an environment. I have used it in various functions from spring foliage to urban combat and have found it to be far more superior than typical patterns. I have tested it in field identification and target acquisition from 100 to 500 yards with positive ID at 20 yards. It’s a very forgiving movement cover. So, all I can say to all those who question as to its functionality compared to the “standard” patterns we are used to seeing; if you’re looking for a pattern to do a job or hunt, give it a try before you comment.