FirstSpear TV

Tactical Products Group Issues Statement In Response To DoJ Indictment

We received this statement from Tactical Products Group, LLC in response to our recent story regarding the indictment by the Department of Justice of two of their executives for fraud.

“On August 14, 2018, Company executives, Dan Lounsbury and Andres Lopez-Munoz, were charged by federal authorities in Virginia alleging wire fraud and filing false claims.  Both Dan and Andres strongly deny the allegations and have retained counsel to help them fight these false charges, all of which stem from a 2012 sale of $3,500 worth of merchandise.  Dan is a proud veteran of the U.S. Navy and has run TPG with the highest integrity since 1998.  Dan and Andres understand that taking on the Justice Department can be a tough challenge, but they are prepared to defend their good names and expect full exoneration.”


7 Responses to “Tactical Products Group Issues Statement In Response To DoJ Indictment”

  1. AGL Bob says:

    For some reason I don’t have a lot of trust in DOJ lately.

  2. Tazman66gt says:

    Always find it funny when people have to drop in their service into the discussion, almost like “I served and above reproach”.

  3. Justin says:

    Investigation over $3500 worth of merchandise. OK — now remind me where are we at with the HRC email servers?

  4. SGT Heintz says:

    Given the amount and the number of affected contracts (1) this almost seems like somebody at DOJ has an axe to grind or is on a witch hunt. DOJ certainly has numerous credibility challenges to say the least!!

    BTW, when I was a Specialist, I was the speshulist Specialist who ever was speshul!! Yeah me!!

  5. Rick says:

    Its not about the $$ here folks- would either be any less complicit if they cut the brake lines on a few hmmv’s. Eye on the ball, they are not taking on the DOJ, they supplied sub-par relabeled body armor some
    Of it out of warranty for 5+ years. This is not some underdog taking on the US Govt over some historic wrong- they put peoples lives in danger to save a buck- anyway you cut it