
Rob Pincus Joins Board Of Second Amendment Organization

CHICAGO – Second Amendment Organization is pleased to announce that Rob Pincus has joined our Board of Directors and has accepted the role of Executive Vice President.

Rob brings over twenty years of experience in the Gun Industry and a lifetime as a shooter. Rob is one of the industry’s most vocal leaders. He is both an advocate and an educator. His work with United States Concealed Carry Association, National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Second Amendment Foundation, Personal Defense Network, I.C.E. Training Company and countless other Pro-Gun-Rights Organizations has influenced millions of American Gun Owners. He has frequently spoken on behalf of responsible gun owners in national and international media. His views are sometimes controversial and often confrontational as he has combated ignorance and negligence around firearms and firearms rights. He understands the need for an assertive, inclusive and rational gun rights organization.

The Second Amendment Organization was founded on a response to the cultural shift that occurred in the US after the vicious killings at Sandy Hook. After that tragedy, an unprecedented number of large corporations, international companies and local business began declaring themselves and their locations as Anti-Gun or “Gun Free Zones”. A few people stood up in opposition to that movement and declared their businesses as Gun Friendly… one of those business was mine. In the wake of that decision, I received a great deal of media attention and was soon joined by other businesses around the county. I saw an opportunity to motivate and celebrate the message of Support for the Second Amendment from businesses outside of the gun industry in a way that had never been done before. I was joined by a few like-minded individuals and started 2AO as a non-profit. Within a few years, we established chapters in over 20 states and had well over 250,000 Businesses Committed to our cause.

Under Rob’s leadership, 2AO plans to expand our efforts and activities. Our Mission is now three fold:
1. To promote a Pro-Second Amendment Attitude in businesses across the United States.
2. To support and educate Grassroots Second Amendment Advocates around the country dealing with issues at the State and Local Levels.
3. To combat Gun Negligence in all forms inside of the community of American Gun Owners.

Our Board has had the utmost respect for Rob Pincus’ work over many years. We are honored to have him join us and we look forward to working with him to accomplish our goals.

Bryan Crosswhite
President & Founder
Second Amendment Organization


10 Responses to “Rob Pincus Joins Board Of Second Amendment Organization”

  1. Stickman says:

    Love him or hate him, you’ve got to admit Pincus get his hands into a lot of different things.


    Rob Pincus is great; just ask him. Maybe he can show you all the techniques he learned not patrolling, nor working as a peace officer. How’s the psych testing going, Rob? Don’t give up; someday you’ll get it!

    • jbgleason says:

      Damn dude!

    • Stickman says:

      I met Pincus one time, and he stated he had no idea who I was while he launched into his impressive credentials to tell me all about himself (I was introduced to him by someone else). I noticed he had no military experience, but that he talked about his LEO experience. However, he didn’t come out and directly say he was a cop.

      I asked him pointedly what academy he had been through, and whether it was one of these college courses, or if it was a real police academy. He admitted he had neither, and no actual credentials or training in the LE field.

      I’m kind of surprised he didn’t pay one of the small police departments to be a “reserve” officer or special commission badge carrier like some of the clowns in the firearm industry have resorted to.

      Mr Pincus has no LE, MIL, or other credentials, and it doesn’t appear he is overly knowledgeable in the field of modern weapons (at least LE or MIL). Then again, this is just my perception of him after a brief talk with him. Once I commented on my background he departed to make talk with people who were probably better suited to him.

    • Jack Griffin says:

      To be fair, he knows he’s a tactical-ized Tony Robbins Crossfit guy (that reality show thing clinched it) and he is comfortable playing to that group. At PEP3 (attend for Ellifritz and Haggard, but stay for Pincus jokes) he specifically stated that his goal was to take n00b civvies and get them shooting from a holster confidently which is the most important demographic to appeal to from a maintain-our-rights standpoint. He’s no more or less silly than all the stoic bearded heroes teaching middle-aged dentists and lawyers to kick doors in full kit at multicam fantasy camp.

      My biggest takeaway was the funny cranky dad nicknames he gave everybody. I still refer to the guys I went with by their Pincus names whenever they mess up at a match or whatever. Solid gold cheese.

      • Stickman says:

        Sounds like you’ve been in his class, did he tell you he was a police officer or military at some point?

        If by “beard heroes”, you mean military and special operations guys, I think there is a massive difference. For those of us who have served, there is little room for the make believe service of those who have not.

        We will have to agree to disagree on that one, but I certainly appreciate your reply.

  3. Stickman says:

    Patrick- You don’t even have to ask him. Its like the old joke of how do you know when a pilot walks in the room…? He tells you.

  4. Bobby Denard says:

    His LinkedIn bio shows the following:

    Patrol Officer
    Winchester Police Department
    1999 – 2001
    2 yrs
    Patrol, Weed & Seed Officer, Crime Prevention Officer, S.O.T.

    United States Army Reserve
    2 LT
    United States Army Reserve
    1994 – 1997
    3 yrs
    Commissioned 2LT 10/04
    Assigned IRR
    Honorable Discharge, 1997
    The rest is teaching or entrepreneurial gigs.


    Call me cynical, but why do I get the feeling the 2nd Amendment Organization serves mostly to pay its executives and board members?

    It made the news when it was founded in 2014. It’s website had one blog post that year and was dormant until 2018. There’s not much online about the 2nd AO between 2015 and 2018. Maybe they are gearing up to actually do something?

    • Stickman says:


      Interesting, he was clear when talking to me (with my creds flipped onto the table) that he had never been a police officer. Two years seems odd, and I would be interested to know the full story.

      Regarding his possible Army service, I have never heard of someone being a second LT for 3 years. Then again, if you aren’t making 1st LT within 18-24 months (branch dependent), it may explain the abbreviated timeline for departing the service.

  5. TM says:

    When I trained with him all he did was talk trash about other firearms trainers, companies, and organizations. He wouldn’t use names, they all had a nick-names. He also didn’t fire one round or handle a loaded firearm. Rumors of a domestic assault charge were abound. I would rank him very low on the instructor scale and did not perceive him as professional.

    Here’s to hoping he’s an effective board member. His training was/is crap.

    At least he’s pro 2nd Amendment.