RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

”They Shall Not Grow Old”

They Shall Not Grow Old” is a documentary on World War One by the famed Peter Jackson. The film was funded by 14-18 NOW and the Imperial War Museums in association with the BBC, debuting last month during the London Film Festival.

A limited US theatrical release is planned for December 17 and 27, before ending up on VOD. The meticulously restored and colorized vintage film will presented in both 2D and 3D.

9 Responses to “”They Shall Not Grow Old””

  1. Richard Schagen says:

    Looks amazing, hopefully it will help create awareness among the younger generation

  2. Ex Coelis says:

    I’ve watched They Shall Not Grow Old and it is most definitely a thoroughly impressive piece of work. Peter Jackson’s colour and restoration work on hundreds of hours of World War 1 film stock is as important and every bit as relevant as Peter Kuran’s film work(Trinity and Beyond – The Atomic Bomb Movie, etc). Thanks to these two men(and many like them), succeeding generations will a visual reference to learn(and hopefully, not repeat).
    Thank you for this post, SSD.

  3. Jeff S says:

    Absolutely fascinating… both the film and the fact that it will be showing near me – no trek into NoVA needed!

  4. russel Bendix says:

    The title is not correct if they are using the first words from the 4th verse of the Ode “For the Fallen” by Laurence Binyon. The Ode verse is read out at all Commonwealth commemoration ceremonies, especially Anzac Day.

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them.

    I’m sure that this is a brilliant documentary, I will keep an eye out for it.

    • matty says:

      I’ve seen it and it truly amazing. It is a monumental triumph that Peter Jackson has accomplished. It brought WW1 to life in a way I never thought possible.

  5. Kevin B says:

    Watched on UK BBC..outstanding effects. Worth watching some of the Peter Jackson interviews on how it was all done and see if you can spot the moment a trooper turrns to look at the camera and it looks like Afghanistaan in 2012…nothing changes.

  6. Eric B says:

    Got my tickets and I’ll be taking my 16 year old son. He is an avid student of history and aspires to join the Army after high school.

  7. TL says:

    Brilliant. Saw it on the BBC and even though you knew it was coming, the moment it transitioned from jerky, silent, black and white to real time colour with sound, it stuns you. Should be compulsory viewing for all generations.