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Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity to host Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry (APBI)

CAMP PENDLETON, C.A.—December 13, 2018—Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity will hold its Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry Feb. 6, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at MCTSSA aboard Camp Pendleton, California. The intent of the APBI is to communicate to industry, MCTSSA’s mission, organization and activities.

“The Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry provides a unique opportunity to network with MCTSSA technical and subject matter experts, gaining rare access to MCTSSA facilities,” said Col. Robert Bailey, MCTSSA’s Commanding Officer. “It is our responsibility to nurture relationships with our talented industry partners, which will help us be successful bridging the awareness gap of Marine Corps’ Command, Control, Communications and Computers and USMC amphibious vehicles capability requirements and technical challenges, and highlight partnership opportunities for industry.”

The APBI, a one-day event, features a wide array of technical briefs from leadership, and subject matter experts from across MCTSSA. Participants will be informed of current technical objectives and associated challenges. Briefers will provide insight into contracting financial magnitude, the scope of areas under contract, and specific capability gaps where industry can provide solutions. Some of the areas that will be discussed include, but are not limited to, cybersecurity testing, wireless technology, advanced manufacturing, cloud computing, naval systems integration, automated testing, systems engineering, system and system of systems testing, data link analysis, tactical networking, and United States Marine Corps Operating Forces technical support.

MCTSSA is a subordinate command of Marine Corps Systems Command and provides test and evaluation, engineering, development, and deployed technical support for Marine Corps and joint service command, control, computer, communications and intelligence systems and amphibious vehicles throughout all phases of the acquisition life-cycle.

Interested participants may register at

For more information, contact Sky Laron at (760)725-2167 or

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