
What’s This?

Over the weekend I was at Barnes & Nobles looking over the news rack when I ran across this ad in “Tactical Life” magazine.

16 Responses to “What’s This?”

  1. jellydonut says:

    Looks like yet another multi-thousand-dollar Glock to me.

  2. Alpha2 says:

    another Glock clone knock-off probably.

  3. Nick Pacific says:

    I wonder if certain polymer frame manufacturers are expanding their OEM offering. that profile looks familiar.

  4. Another ZEV Technologies Glock probably.

  5. Tcba_joe says:

    I assume a Zev made/branded P80 or Lonewolf frame.

  6. Patrick Aherne says:

    “I’ll take: ‘How to spend $2k for a Glock that’s unreliable?’ for a thousand, Alex.”

    • Dave says:

      Every Zev gun I’ve ever seen worked perfectly, once the Zev parts were removed.

      • Jim says:

        I guess I’m lucky. I’ve got a Zev G17 with thousands of rounds through it with no issues. I have a 19 with Zev barrel and trigger that also has thousands of rounds with no issues.

        • SSD says:

          No, you’re normal. Those guys don’t own any ZEV guns, it’s just their way of amusing themselves by misleading others. I’ve seen it too many times.

  7. Matt in Oklahoma says:

    Them that can’t shoot buy extras

  8. tsh77769 says:

    You will be honored to have had the privilege to pay an extra 75-100% per each letter in their name!

  9. Garin says:

    And if if is not a Glock but a hell of a lot better what do I win? Can I double down on this bet?