GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

The Redback Company New Cierzo Shirt Colours and Design Update

The Redback Company has added two new colours to their Cierzo Shirt range.  The new colours are Earth-Tone and Night Camo.

Ben O’Toole, the Managing Director of The Redback Company, says:

“The original Cierzo Shirts were really well received, with the Camouflage ones having sold out in October.  We also got some great detailed feedback from people who had bought the shirts and put them through their paces.  Using that feedback, we have updated our pattern.  We love getting user feedback so we can keep improving our products.”

The original shirts have had 2 inches added to the bottom of the shirt to make it stay in place better during dynamic movements.  There is also now a Long size which is six inches longer in the body and four inches longer in the arm for customers who are 6’1” and above.

We also made a one-off Night Camo Cierzo Shirt for a friend of the brand from some original 1990s fabric he had.  When we posted an picture on our Social Media we were inundated with requests for the garment.  Added to the popularity of our Night Camo Timmy Hat we felt we had to make it a permanent addition to the product line.

The final colour we added is Earth-Tone.  Again, after user feedback, we found that people wanted a darker colour for bushcraft and other outdoor activities where they did not want to wear camouflage, but did not want to overly contrast with the environment either.  We looked for a colour that would blend well into the outdoors.  When we looked at animals, we found that a great many are various shades of brown and blend very well into the background.  We chose a shade that had the same effect.

All of our Cierzo Shirts are available for purchase now from theredbackcompany.com/product/cierzo-shirt



3 Responses to “The Redback Company New Cierzo Shirt Colours and Design Update”

  1. TheFull9 says:

    Just had my Desert Night shirt arrive yesterday, a very fine addition to the collection to say the least. Thanks to Ben for setting up one of the very few British veteran-owned gear companies doing stuff that’s truly original and worthwhile, also to SSD for highlighting TRC in the first place.

    I know a few infantry lads who’ve had great success with these already, certainly looking forward to trying mine out. The Earth-Tone is actually a really good match for all the intermediate and base layers that are issued with PCS, so that colour is perhaps even better for forces guys than the Multicam.

  2. Ray Forest says:

    Industry is bringing back night desert in a hipster way. No always liked it for more than the dark.