RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Cody Firearms Museum Seeks Veterans to Be a Part of History at CFM Veteran VIP Experience

Cody Firearms Museum to host US Veterans and record their histories as they make their way across America at the CFM Veteran VIP Experience in Cody, WY

CODY — January 17, 2019— Today, the Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) revealed a teaser for one of its new premier exhibits to be launched at its grand re-opening the weekend of July 5, 2019. Among the many exhibits to be unveiled this summer, the Military Area will incorporate first-hand accounts from U.S. veterans. The CFM seeks U.S. veterans to relay testimonials of their service and experiences at the CFM Veteran VIP Experience.

The CFM Veteran VIP Experience is an invitation to veterans and active military to be the very first to record personal accounts, offering museum-goers a glimpse into the complexity of their jobs and the magnitude of their bravery. “The CFM Veteran VIP Experience will capture a living history that we are proud to curate at our museum,” said Ashley Hlebinsky, Curator at the Cody Firearms Museum. “The testimonials from our veterans will provide insight for generations to come as well as create a community-centric model for our museum.”

The CFM Veteran VIP Experience will take place on July 5, the day before the CFM opens to the public. Participating veterans will have a first glance at the exhibit and are invited the following day to the public opening along with their families. “We want to offer our veterans a VIP experience while becoming the first to contribute to this recorded legacy,” continued Hlebinsky. “The interactive component is user-friendly and will be on display for our 200,000 annual visitors. We’re calling on vets and vet organizations to join us during our grand re-opening in July.”

The CFM is seeking veteran organizations to partner with them in promoting and/or sponsoring the special event. The CFM Veteran VIP Experience requires an RSVP to the event and is exclusive to veterans and active military personnel. Inquires may be directed to kie@solutionnaires.com.

Additionally, you can meet Ashley Hlebinsky – Curator at the CFM. Her level of knowledge is amazing. She will be at the CFM booth #2428 on Thursday, January 24th from 2pm – 3:30pm.

One Response to “Cody Firearms Museum Seeks Veterans to Be a Part of History at CFM Veteran VIP Experience”

  1. datamaggot says:

    This is really cool. I won’t be able to make the opening, but I’ll have to drive down to Cody (from Bozeman) to check out the museum.