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American Defense Mfg Sponsors Competitive Shooter Chris Woomer

Chris Woomer is the owner and lead instructor of Veil Solutions where he designs and produces custom holsters/equipment for responsibly armed citizens, competitive shooters, military, law enforcement and government entities. Aside from being a competitive shooter, Chris also holds a master class ranking in various pistol shooting disciplines, as well as a professional ranking in the 3 Gun Nation Factory Division. Notably, in 2018, Chris placed 2nd overall in the Inaugural Tactical Athlete Games. Chris is also an avid practitioner of several martial arts disciplines for the past 7 years and has recently started competing on this front.

“Given Woomer’s drive, determination, and willingness to achieve greatness no matter the odds, we feel that he is a good representation of what American Defense Mfg is about. His relentless ability to be Intentionally Superior is the core of our ethos.” Said William Phebus, Director of Sales.

Effective immediately, Chris will be implementing his American Defense Mfg. mounts and carbines outfitted with Rosco Mfg. Barrels into his training schedule and competition circuit for 2019. This equipment provides the perfect balance of accuracy and performance that will give Chris the support that he needs while he is out actively pursuing his next great achievement.

Chris Woomer #BarrelGang bio: Chris Woomer Bio

For more information on American Defense firearms, mounts and optics, please visit www.admmfg.com or call 262.780.9831.

14 Responses to “American Defense Mfg Sponsors Competitive Shooter Chris Woomer”

  1. Steven says:

    That dude just oozes sex, and manliness.

  2. Brent says:

    Nice work Holster Jesus!

  3. Bryan says:

    Glad to see American Defense is sponsoring a national champ. Wait, at least he has military experience. Wait, SWAT guy. Wait… local IDPA indoor match winner?

    • The Guy Pictured says:

      Lol Bryan, there’s a lot of stuff you don’t know from a short paragraph bio that someone else wrote. There’s a lot of Military and LEO that learn from civis. I know it’s a lot to handle, and maybe hits the emotions a little, but it’s a thing. Be safe Bryan.

    • Alpha2 says:

      There is plenty of sponsored competitive shooters that have zero military or LE experience, don’t really see why that is a big deal.

      • Bobby Denard says:

        You are getting hung up on the non-LEO/non-MIL aspect of Bryan’s comment. As a competitive shooter, he’s not that competitive. I think that was the main point.

        But getting sponsored often isn’t about skill or results. It’s about instagram likes and page views, AND also being a person the company wants to have associated with their product. I have no idea who Chris is, but I reckon he meets the latter. And that’s fine with me.

        I say rock on and good luck to Chris Woomer.

    • ADM MFG says:

      Chris is neither MIL nor LE, he isn’t a house hold name in the national competitive circuits either, what he does offer is solid, rock solid determination, to do the best he can do, at everything he does. We didn’t select him for the gram likes.

      Chris will succeed. He will take these negative comments and use them as fuel to further himself. He’ll crush hopes and dreams the old fashion American way.. Always forward.. one step at a time.. without hesitation or reservation.

  4. Jason F says:

    Woomer!! Congratulations!

    So proud of you and what you’ve accomplished in the past few years, brother. Keep pushing hard my friend!

  5. Sasquatch says:

    Alright alright alright.

  6. DP says:

    Can we get the make/manufacturer of that there shirt fellas?

  7. d says:

    You suppose he shaves his facial hair into that or it just grows in that way?

  8. Thomas Kier says:

    Chris Woomer is a dedicated practitioner of weapons and warrior mindset. He is someone to admire and respect. Steady pressure, Chris.

  9. Frogman says:

    Good on you for representing a great brand but I don’t think anyone who hasn’t been shot at should be teaching people what to do when shot at. I think people without combat experience can teach technique for competition(which seems to be predominately what’s going on here) but not for life saving/taking. I tried looking at Veil solutions to see what he is teaching, couldn’t see it. All the best.