
Brigantes Presents – High Angled Solutions – Helix Tactical Training

Helix understand that first class equipment is only one part of the equation and that without a trained operator or user it is unlikely to be utilised to its full potential.  

This year, Helix Training are delivering a number of RoSPA approved, open three-day PPE courses. These courses are designed to qualify an individual as a PPE inspector with an understanding of the following:

• Health and safety regulations related to the choice, purchase and use of PPE and work equipment.

• Responsibilities for the inspection of PPE prior to, during and after use including management systems.

• Practical skills providing the user with the ability to identify damage and defects, and the procedures to retire damaged or obsolete items.

• How the above relate to government and military organisations and activities both within the UK and overseas whether conducting training, operations or adventure training.

The course is assessed with both a written and practical exam on the final day. On successful completion of the course, the qualification is valid for three years.

They have scheduled a number of non-residential open courses for 2019, which are delivered from our office in Llanberis. Helix are able to deliver closed courses internationally.

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