SIG SAUER - Never Settle

GEN Patton Wearing The Green Hornet

You’ve probably heard the story that GEN George Patton created a uniform for tankers. As you can imagine, it was never adopted.

Made from Dark Green gaberdine, in order to hide stains, it was dubbed “The Green Hornet” by the press, after a popular radio program at the time. It featured Gold buttons down the side along with pockets on the front of the thighs of the trousers for improved access while seated in a tank. The uniform was topped off with a football helmet said to come from the Washington Redskins.

Unfortunately, only one example was ever crafted, but the Armor Museum had two copies made because the original has sustained extensive UV damage over the years.

8 Responses to “GEN Patton Wearing The Green Hornet”

  1. Hubb says:

    This makes me realize that the Air Force ABU’s weren’t so bad after all.

    • Ton E says:

      Like hell the ABU was terrible the only uniform that was worse was the Blue camo NWU. What Patton proposed was somewhere in there.

  2. AbnMedOps says:

    We must suffer for fashion, Dahlings!

  3. Maroon Beret says:

    Anything paired with a helmet from the Washington Foreskins is doomed to fail before it starts.

  4. Matt says:

    Looks just like the uniforms from the second generation Battlestar Galactica series… HA!

  5. Sommerbiwak says:

    Actually looks not too bad. Could take a bit of simplification like halving the number of buttons. But it is smooth on the out side to not snag on anything in the vehicle, accessible pockets on the legs. Quite sensible really. The golden helmet was silly, agreed, but the actually issued helmet in for tankers in WW2 looked a lot like it wasd erived from a football helmet I always have thought.

    And the black (or fieldgrey alternatively) german tanker uniform did not look that much different in cut with its wide breast flap. So, no, Patton was not too wrong here, although Patton’s flamboyancy certainly shines through. 😉

  6. Strike-Hold says:

    The UCP ACU of its day…

  7. Chris says:

    No Stetson?