
Orion Design Group Launches New Website, Renames Camo Patterns

In addition to launching a new website, Orion Design Group has renamed their family of camouflage patterns. For instance, Variable XT is wisely no longer referred to as Lupus.

14 Responses to “Orion Design Group Launches New Website, Renames Camo Patterns”

  1. W says:

    Kinda begs the question why they named the camo lupus in the first place.

    • Strike-Hold says:

      From Latin lupus (“wolf”).

      • Tu says:

        Adding to Strike’s explanation, the commonly known autoimmune ‘lupus’ disease got its name back in the thirteenth century by physician Rogerius who used it to describe erosive facial lesions that were reminiscent of a wolf’s bite.

    • odgusa says:

      We Marines, love our Latin…. (Insert shoulder shrug emoji here.)

  2. Sommerbiwak says:

    Looks like multicam with a sunday morning headache.

  3. WmW says:

    500D by the yard please. All patterns.

    • odgusa says:

      Unfortunately we will not be offering fabric this year. This will change in the future. This policy is a result of being unsuccessful in the past with getting companies to comply with our licensing guidelines and pay their royalty charges. We are moving to a direct sales model in the near term and once we have a reliable supply chain partner and strong momentum in the market place we will re-open fabric sales.

  4. d says:

    Is the recce chest rig hidden in the website somewheres?

  5. odgusa says:

    We have a capability to provide uniforms for Government/ LEO end users only at this time. We are vetting options for putting together a commercial manufacturing capability later this year.