Wilcox BOSS Xe

Tele Vue – BetterShot

In the TNVC booth at last week’s NRA Annual Meeting, I ran across the most innovative product of the show.

There are multiple dryfire systems on the market but most are pistol-centric with a few intended for rifles, but none work with a telescopic sight. The BetterShot by Tele Vue is a dryfire system for optical sight equipped rifles.

Above, you can see the BetterShot device mounted to a scope’s objective lens. It includes a cradle for a smart device which uses an app to detect and track movement through a dry fire sequence.

Here you can see the rubber coated fingers which are adjusted to tighten around the scope’s objective lens (40 -60 mm).

This image shows the objective aspect of the BetterShot device with its 35mm lens. This lens is independently adjustable and you can focus on objects as close as six feet.

Tele Vu founder Al Nagler started out an optical designer for NASA. In fact, Tele Vu builds some great telescopes as well as the BetterShot.


3 Responses to “Tele Vue – BetterShot”

  1. Joe says:

    A cheaper way is to just use to your pre-existing laser sight, the dot jump magnifies movement far better than the old dime and you can record it with your cell if you don’t have a spotter.

  2. DSM says:

    That’s actually pretty slick. Will have to keep an eye out for this thing.

  3. The real beauty of this system is the ability to use high magnification of ones day scope and focus at 6 feet even at 25x. When we were first looking at some prototypes at Shot, I had a 18x day scope hooked to the 1st iteration lens in a restaurant and was able to see the actual rivets holding a metal napkin holder from approx 7′ away. TeleVue makes the best eyepieces on the planet in the astronomy world and we’re very excited to see them make a splash in the firearms community.

    TNVC and their sister company Night Goggles will be the master distributor of BetterShot.