Protact by Haartz

Someone Is Having A Bad Day

This image recently surfaced on Facebook’s US Army WTF Moments. Naturally, snarky comments ensued.

I however, blame this Soldier’s leadership.

18 Responses to “Someone Is Having A Bad Day”

  1. B.Martin says:

    Who still trains with PASGTs? Leadership Failure and Google Failure. I assess and can hope that he is an ROTC Cadet.

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Still better than no pot at all on the head.

      and we do not know in what situation this photo was taken in. Could be that the straps tore off just the moment before the photo.

    • Hatfield says:

      Thats 100% a ROTC cadet

  2. bulldog76 says:


  3. Ex Coelis says:

    I’ve heard of having ‘bad hair’ days but uh…having a ‘bad pack day’? Given to this soldiers apparently uncomfortable posture – absolutely NO excuse for that. Fook’n ‘ell… To paraphrase one of John Cleese/Monty Python’s early skits – “This is a good example of what NOT to become”.

  4. Matt in Oklahoma says:

    Dammit Carl LOL

  5. Jon Demler says:

    This is obviously the newly assigned PL after trying to impress the platoon with how many pull-ups he can do and telling everyone how many days straight he stayed awake in Ranger School.

  6. Gerard says:

    This guy is a future General that’s for certain

  7. Jon C says:

    From the look of the mis-matched helmet cover and ACU pack, it seems dude is in basic. Not so sure there is leadership there. Just an industrial process.

    • Mr. G says:

      Nah, he’s wearing a patch. Trainees don’t wear patches. Probably NG or reservist. Either way, I’ve always been good about getting guys to set up their gear comfortably. A little rubbing here and there or something unbalanced, makes pain down the road. Honestly, this just shows his leadership doesn’t care to set him up right.

  8. badjujuu says:

    Nothing 550 cord and 100 mile an hour tape cant fix here!

  9. Dave says:

    That blurred out patch looks strikingly similar to a 1st MarDiv patch. I’m betting he’s a proud Pogue who brags about how when he transferred laterally into the Army he, “didn’t have to go to basic brah.” Maybe he should have.

  10. Stefan S. says:

    Soup-sammich! Yep, I said it.

    • Terry Baldwin says:


      It takes a lot of effort to get that much soup in one sandwich!

      This one has me scratching my head since I saw it posted last night.

      The guy has a “combat patch” so he has been in the military more than a few days. He is no basic trainee. The pack is not coming off the frame but rather has been – perhaps hastily – rigged that way on purpose. Not only did he not attach the top retention straps to the frame, he completely misaligned the pack with the frame .

      Therefore, I do not buy the picture was taken just at the exact moment of strap failure that Sommerbiwak suggests above.

      So who is this veteran trooper that does not know how to rig a molle pack? The PASGT suggests a training unit as already mentioned. ROTC Cadet? National Guard OCS?

      Or perhaps a guy who just drew his gear from supply for some such school and had to rush outside to put it together properly?

      I would sure like to know the details behind this soldier and his circumstances.


      • Vince says:

        Patch on his right sleeve may be a university ROTC patch.

        When the MOLLE was first issued out of the bag, it came with a VCR tape explaining how to assemble the damn thing.

        If you need a damn video to put together a damn pack, perhaps your pack is too complicated for general issue.

        • Terry Baldwin says:


          You might be right about the patch. No way to be sure. However, I do not think this “cadet” or whatever he is has just fallen out for a roadmarch. He has a very light load in that pack bag. Note the camelback stuffed just below the sleeping pad. I don’t think it has any water in it.

          I think that my guess that he was just issued that gear – and probably has not had time to sort it out or properly assemble it – is probably closer to the truth. A similar unorganized and flustered scene happens at every school that issues field gear from basic training to Ranger School. On a side note, ALICE was initially issued with a 22 page user’s manual.


  11. Kirk says:

    I got nothing…

    But, I gotta point out that this isn’t anything new, either. Back in the day, you had that rat’s nest of the M1956 gear, and I don’t think I ever saw anyone actually use or assemble it correctly the entire time I was in. Those damn “spaghetti straps” were an abomination unto God…

    That said, I do think the gear designers could do a better job of providing the materials necessary to figure out how things are supposed to go together. I never had much problem assembling stuff, but not everyone has an easy time figuring that stuff out. They really don’t explain a lot of what goes into the design, or how it’s supposed to be used–Witness the ALICE system, where that damn waistband was never properly used by about 90% of the user base.