GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Warrior West 19 – Tim Kennedy

I must admit that when I sat down to listen to Tim Kennedy present “LEADERSHIP: Becoming The Sheepdog,” during this week’s Warrior Expo West, I was somewhat skeptical. The title evoked my disdain for the worn out Sheepdog trope. But what I got out of the presentation was something altogether different.

My only previous exposure to Tim Kennedy was a few glimpses of him on a TV series and he was understandably, oh so serious. Turns out, that’s not him at all. He is exactly who I should have thought he was, an SF NCO.

He was jovial throughout the presentation and even warned us up front that he would drop the odd curse word. I’m told there was some pearl clutching over his language, but he spoke to the audience as peers, and I’d say he held back a bit. I’ve heard much worse during my service. If the point of attending the speech was to meet the military customer, it served its purpose. This is how many service members talk, and look at life, particularly in our Special Operations Forces.

His message was simple, don’t quit. But Tim Kennedy can at times be quite self-deprecating, sharing both the highs and the lows in his life. It works.

I don’t want to steal his thunder by retelling his stories. The presentation offered example after example of never quit and never succumb to weakness, if you want to be great.

I enjoyed Tim’s presentation and if you get a chance to hear him speak, or just meet him in person, take it. It’s worth it.

4 Responses to “Warrior West 19 – Tim Kennedy”

  1. jbgleason says:

    “Pearl clutching…”

    That’s awesome.

  2. Shropshire Slasher says:

    He was hilarious in the movie “Range 15″…

  3. Link Halstrom says:

    Tim Kennedy is a fudd. That’s the bottom line. Google Tim Kennedy Lance Armstrong to hear shocking anti gun stuff come out of his “Sheepdog” mouth.

    • Konge375 says:

      DINGDINGDING, we have a thin-skinned prima donna of the day: I usually have to go to NPR or CNN but SSD a better site in all respects so thank you for keeping this morning’s melodrama in-house.
      Clearly you either (a) hold a personal grudge, (b)need counseling/meds for a raging case of 2A tourette’s, (c) have never been anywhere/done anything and dwell in the easily humiliated AR15.com/airsoft basement radon-fueled smack-talk zone or (d)are an anti-2A plant paid to generate hate and discontent within the pro-2A crowd by parsing various accusations, social media expressions and alleged microaggressions IOT encourage divisions and malice within the tgt population (classic, if somewhat hackneyed, lefty psyops).
      [My money is on (e), but that would be speculative.]
      I think it’s clear to most, including TK, that he misspoke. He owned up to it repeatedly. If I am mistaken and somehow you are referencing a different armstrong/kennedy video and ulterior motive (perhaps the dreaded “Sheepdog-Clinton” connection where TK was the one with the blue steel expression, massaging her feet with one hand and smashing hard drives with the other, all the while wearing a beret and Che Guevara t-shirt?!?!?), my apologies and please, comrade, elaborate.