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Geissele Offering SOF Pro-Deal On Vortex SVPS Submission Optic

Geissele Automatics is offering a pro-deal to SOF Personnel for the Vortex submission to USSOCOM’s Squad Variable Power Scope program. Although it was not selected, it has been in use by SOF for many years and remains extremely popular.

The Vortex Razor 1-6 is combined with a Geissele Super Precision Scope Mount. The throw lever seen is NOT included in the package. Still, this is a phenomenal price for a working optic which both Geissele and Vortex hope will be put to use on working carbines.

Fill out the form and follow instructions for submitted. The form is available here for download.

SVPS Submission Bundle

You have to submit via a valid socom.mil email address. Other emails will be deleted. If you are SOF but assigned to a non-SOF organization such as a service school, contact sales@geissele.com to verify credentials.

8 Responses to “Geissele Offering SOF Pro-Deal On Vortex SVPS Submission Optic”

  1. Jimbo says:

    I jumped on this last year and picked up a second Razor. Great piece of equipment that is getting well used by me.

  2. Hodge175 says:

    Wow that’s an outstanding deal. Sadly I don’t qualify.

  3. Lasse says:

    Halo do u ship to Itarly?

    • pathfinder2855 says:

      “Halo” is the german for yor “Hello”.

      If an italian doesn’t know anything of english, he will pronounce “Hello” just the same as you. Because is one of the few times that the pronounce is just as it’s write down.

      So, try again

      • Lasse says:

        You’re obviously not aware of the joke that has been going around various social media in the last few years.
        Maybe an Italian pronounces and writes the word “hello” correctly, but ITARlians don’t.

        So, try again

    • Kingfish66 says:

      How obut Nooth Kareea?

  4. Kingfish66 says:

    I know Vortex is good. But how is this compared to the SIG Sauer S-VPS submission?

  5. vdmsr says:

    No LE deal? Might as well be unobtainium.