SureFire XC3

PDW Ti-NATO Straps

Updated Modern Version of the Military G10-Type NATO Strap

Prometheus Design Werx introduces their new Ti-NATO Strap. An updated and modern take on the classic military G10-Type watch strap originally introduced in 1973 by the British Ministry of Defence. The PDW version of the “NATO-Type” watch strap features titanium alloy rings and buckle which are non-magnetic and rustproof. The Ti-NATO uses a heavier duty nylon strap, which is durable, yet pliable and comfortable. These straps are perfectly suited for today’s purpose driven, mechanical movement watches. Use them on land or underwater. The PDW Ti-NATO Straps will be available in 20mm and 22mm widths, and Black and OD Green straps colors.

The Ti-NATO Strap from Prometheus Design Werx will introduce new colors in the near future, and possibly new widths according to customer requests and as they are developed.

The Design and R&D Team at PDW states:

“The initial impetus to create these was out of a need to accommodate some of our DOD customers. We’re known for our watchband compass kits and since they are designed to be used with NATO-Type straps we became aware that the stainless steel rings and buckles on most of the ones available on the market were easily magnetized when exposed to all the trendy rare earth magnets found in today’s EDC products. We’ve never been huge fans of rare earth magnets used in EDC goods, but they are out there. Firstly anyone with a good mechanical movement watch knows that magnets are not a mechanical watch’s friend. Secondly, if you use a strap-worn supporting compass, any magnetic fields will throw off your accuracy. By using titanium hardware in our strap we’ve eliminated this from even being a possibility. Our titanium rings are more robust than the typical stamped stainless type and not as bulky as the ZULU type. It’s a good sweet spot. Our nylon straps are custom woven and again, we feel a great sweet spot for thickness, durability while remaining comfortable for all day wear. On land or under the sea our Ti-NATO straps are perfect companions for your favorite watch.”

The new PDW Ti-NATO Strap will be available for $36.00 on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 12:00 noon PT via their website,


11 Responses to “PDW Ti-NATO Straps”

  1. redbeard says:

    PDW… always out there crushing it. i salute in your general direction.

  2. Sommerbiwak says:

    First I thought: titanium? to save weight like a titanium trekking toothbrush? LOL?

    But the reasoning makes sense to not have the metal on the wristband be magnetized.

  3. mark says:

    Very cool. I wear a Titanium watch, and so the matching titanium hardware tickles my OCD.

    I’d love to see a 2 piece model offered down the road with the same hardware.

  4. Biblicalviolence says:

    I have a layman’s inquiry:
    I have a G Shock 5445 and I’d love to replace the factory resin band with this black Ti NATO strap; I’m curious if the watch will readily accept the strap or would additional hardware be needed?

    • Gilk10180 says:

      I don’t believe this can be done on your model.

    • scothill says:

      You will need to get the adapta kit. I can’t remember I got mine from, but basically it is a couple of 3d printed pieces that replace your watch band and allows you to run a Nato band. I had to do some cleaning on mine to get them to fit, but after that work fine. Just google gshock nato mod and you will find lots of info.

    • DAVID says:

      Lookup JaysAndKays on etsy. I believe they make adapters for your watch. I found such an adapter for a friend, but I don’t know first[or second]-hand about their quality.

      • Biblicalviolence says:

        @ David,
        Thank you for the info on the adaptors, I’m getting in contact with them now.

  5. cimg says:

    what compass is that?

    • m says:

      It’s Prometheus Design Werx’s own compass.

      • Vincent B. says:

        It is Titanium as well and very nicely made but, as you would expect, PDW, they are expensive and very limited. Once they make a run of them they sell out very quickly