
AXL Advanced – Crye AVS Upgrades

AXL Advanced offers after market enhancements for popular load carriage systems. For example, they make multiple upgrades for the Crye Precision Adaptive Vest System.

They do things like the Hot Swap 3-Band Skeletal™ Cummerbund Adapter which allows you to use FirstSpear Tubes with your AVS.

It modifies the Crye 3-band Skeletal™ Cummerbund to allow for fast donning and doffing as well as rapid configuration.

6 Responses to “AXL Advanced – Crye AVS Upgrades”

  1. JohnH says:

    I’m using this with their avs micro harness. I like it.

  2. Tcba_joe says:

    Would be cool to get some of this stuff for the JPC.

  3. MP says:

    We are looking to upgrade our departments AVS with some of AXL’s kit.
    These guys are super helpful and very responsive to requests.
    Good luck guys!

  4. Something says:

    I really like the idea of the mini-harness, but I do not like the fact that you’re forced to use Tubes with it. Most users have no reason to need a hot swap cummerbund, and so including one just adds complexity, weight, and bulk, not to mention a good deal of expense.

    I’d really like to see a mini-harness that’s compatible with the stock cummerbund.

    I would also really like Tubes for the front of the carrier.

    That said, you guys have some excellent ideas and fantastic products, ans I hope you continue to innovate.