
Warrior EAST 19 – Leatherman Raptor Now Available In Multiple Colors

The Raptor folding stainless steel shears are now available with colored handles. This is always handy, as it’s easier to identify which ones are yours.

01 420HC Stainless Steel Folding Shears
02 Strap Cutter
03 Ring Cutter
04 Ruler (5 cm)
05 Oxygen Tank Wrench
06 Carbide Glass Breaker

One Response to “Warrior EAST 19 – Leatherman Raptor Now Available In Multiple Colors”

  1. Allen C. says:

    I have used nothing but Leatherman for over 20 years and this is a great addition to my collection. And being a first responder, it is extremely useful. Thank you Leatherman.