Protact by Haartz

20,400 Rounds. 0 Stoppages.

5 Responses to “20,400 Rounds. 0 Stoppages.”

  1. JK says:

    Sounds awesome. Does anyone have reliable info that Magpul fixed the following problems experienced with past pmags; spine cracking/splitting, feed lips breaking off? trying too decide between these and Lancer AWM’s

    • TheFull9 says:

      New EMAGs we get in still split at the back top/feed lips with some regularity, so I’d like to think so but my feeling is they haven’t given there’s no room up there to add more material that I can see.

      Not saying they’re crap mags by any means and someone will probably chime in with the old ‘they’re disposable’ but that’s a luxury for cops and civvies on flat ranges in permissive countries a lot of the time.

    • Airbornefister says:

      Yes the new Pmags are “fixed”. If your going to leave them loaded tho. Just but the cover on them that comes with the mag!

  2. Nate says:

    Even if they do crack (and I have only ever seen it on older EMAGs), Magpul will replace them, in my experience.

  3. Amer-Rican says:

    MagPul gen3 PMags are GTG. I have a slight preference for Lancer L5 AWM because of their steel feed lips, but I own both.