Coming Spring 2020 – Obskura – a new family of Camouflage patterns from Kryptek.

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on Saturday, September 14th, 2019 at 21:30 and is filed under Camo.
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The first one looks great, kudos to Kryptek.
So does the 2nd one for the background environment.
I’m sure the last one is Kryptek Black, just hard to see the background.
The Army’s Camo War may have ended, but low intensity camo warfare is still smoldering…
Maybe they’ll actually get their patterns out to the fabric manufacturers this time.
Seems like an intelligent evolution of the current patterns. Nice to see Kryptek moving forward.
Like the new A-TACS were look like an upgrade of tigerstripe, these look like upgrade of the old Rhodesian camouflage to me. Looks very effective.
The larger macro patterns are the way to go. Existing kryptek looks good, and we have some, however it blobs out quickly at distance. Would like to see their arid version.