SureFire XC3

Max Talk 41: CQB: Methods of Entry: Step Center

This is the forty-first installment of ‘Max Talk Monday’ which shares select episodes from a series of instructional videos. Max Velocity Tactical (MVT) has established a reputation on the leading edge of tactical live fire and force on force training. MVT is dedicated to developing and training tactical excellence at the individual and team level.

This is a segment from the Max Velocity Tactical CQBC (Close Quarter Battle Course). The three day class covers Tactical Clearance methods. This specific period of instruction concerns the number one man entering an open doorway via the Step Center method of entry. The CQBC class is a three day event, day 1 on the flat range conducting individual skills and entry drills, using live fire and frangible ammunition. The latter two days are force on target and force on force at the CQB complex.

More of these instructional videos can be found by subscribing to the Max Velocity Tactical YouTube Channel.

Detailed explanations can be found in the MVT Tactical Manual: Small Unit Tactics.

Max is a tactical trainer and author, a lifelong professional soldier with extensive military experience. He served with British Special Operations Forces, both enlisted and as a commissioned officer; a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Max served on numerous operational deployments, and also served as a recruit instructor. Max spent five years serving as a paramilitary contractor in both Iraq and Afghanistan; the latter two years working for the British Government in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

Website: Max Velocity Tactical

YouTube: Max Velocity Tactical

Excellence in Tactical Training.

6 Responses to “Max Talk 41: CQB: Methods of Entry: Step Center”

  1. JoshF says:

    Isn’t stepping out like that exposing yourself unnecessarily?

    • RobW says:

      Absolutely. There’s no reason to put yourself right in the middle of a doorway. Continue to pie off as much of the room as you possibly can making sure to keep yourself small and utilize whatever part of the doorway/wall that you can as cover.

  2. John says:

    I just brought the popcorn for the comments section(does that meme age me)

  3. John says:

    Anytime max is on ssd it’s sure to be a show

  4. JK says:

    I don’t see a problem with this. Max addresses all issues normally encountered with new/non proficient operators. also, he isn’t saying this is the only way to do an entry, he also shows the traditional complete pie’ing off as well. yes, its different than what big army taught back in the day, but this is almost exactly what our teams teach..we just call it the pregnant pause, hes not saying you hangout in the fatal funnel. CQB is like all things, its fluid and always changing.. SSVOA, and certain fundamentals aside. This method is actually (in my very humble opinion) the best ive used and/or taught. this exact way of entering is what you “flow” into if you’re entering a corner fed room at the end of a hallway.. so you’re already doing this and just didn’t know it.. it’s all METT-TC dependent.

    • Chris K. says:

      I agree, he demoed pie’ing the room as per normal. The step center is just a way to speed up the flow, and technically you’re still slicing the pie just at a more abrupt angle for speed.