RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SSD.Collection On Instagram

You’ve asked for more SSD, so we’re going to provide it. A lot goes on behind the scenes here at SSD. We go to lots of trade shows and we have a lot of cool stuff we’ve picked up over the last 35 years, since Eric first joined the Army. So, we’re going to show it to you, on Instagram.

It’s content you won’t see over here, which will continue to be news oriented. But if you want to see more of SSD, then follow us on our new Instagram account ssd.collection.

This is in addition to our original solsys account, which continues to deliver a different look at SSD, focused mainly on a look back at the culture that raised Eric’s generation. It’s a different way to connect to SSD readers, and others.

6 Responses to “SSD.Collection On Instagram”

  1. Strike-Hold says:

    Garage sales at your house must be awesome!

  2. TheFull9 says:

    This new account is something I’ve been seriously wanting to see for years now, great stuff.

  3. DJax says:

    Great, another reason to sit on the shitter even longer.

  4. patrulje says:

    Points for the Logan’s Run sequel and GI Joe during the Adventure Team phase. I would give you points for UFO, but you didn’t show the regular female moon base uniform, just one in a space suit.

  5. TPT1731 says:

    This… this may be the greatest thing I have ever seen. There goes my productivity.