
Draft Top Can Opener Now On Kickstarter

The Draft Can Opener removes the entire top from an aluminum beverage can, in a similar manner to a can opener for canned goods. Except, the edge is left smooth so you won’t cut yourself.

Why bother? How about a smooth let and faster pour or drink? How about feeling like you’re drinking from a cup?

It has a swing out arm to accommodate a variety of can diameters. The Draft Top can be used on most 8-19 oz beverage cans.

12 Responses to “Draft Top Can Opener Now On Kickstarter”

  1. Chalky says:

    No Metal Shavings???

    At least you have a Spit Cup everyone can see into.

    • SShink says:

      I’d also be concerned with metal shavings getting into the can and then ingesting them.

  2. Adam says:

    Pretty cool

  3. Exploriment says:

    I can see this being useful for ultralight DIYers who use cans for stoves and pots.

  4. Brutus says:

    All those cool craft beer cans can now be used a few more times as cups. Be kinda cool if you could do glass bottles as well somehow.

    • Mike Nomad says:

      “recycling” glass bottles was a thing back in the 70s. A kit was sold ( a heavy-duty plastic jig w/ cutter) that would let you cut bottles & jars & refinish the cut/lip.

  5. Jon says:

    As I see this, I’m thinking beer can chicken… this could be handy.

  6. Sasquatch says:

    I still use my first one, but I’m backing this anyways.

  7. Joe says:

    You can open it without a tool?

    That’s for animals; someone should make a tool for it, for people to open it with.

    Still neat though.

  8. Luke says:

    I dig it. At that price point I could even be persuaded to buy one.

    I find aluminum bottles to be one of my favorite drinking experiences, and this would make cans more similar to that, just without the resealable feature.

  9. Bob says:

    Will this work on my cans of Canmunition?