
Christensen Arms Announces Partnership with Jim Shockey

GUNNISON, Utah – (January 13, 2020) Christensen Arms has announced Jim Shockey as a new addition to their team of professional hunters. Jim Shockey is an internationally renowned award-winning outdoor writer, wildlife photographer, videographer, naturalist, wilderness guide, and outfitter with decades of experience. He is currently the host of Jim Shockey’s UNCHARTED and Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures on the Outdoor Channel. 

“I started my hunting career as a rifle hunter,” said Jim Shockey. “Then I switched to bowhunting, then to muzzleloader hunting and for the past many years I’ve been doing all three. With 50 years of hunting experience now under my belt, I’m going to use the best bow, best muzzleloader and best rifle for what I do. The people at Christensen Arms are serious riflemen. They understand all of the elements that go into making a true precision hunting rifle and it didn’t take me long to appreciate their exacting attention to detail.”

“We’re very pleased to welcome Jim Shockey to Team Christensen Arms,” said Jason Christensen, President of Christensen Arms. “His knowledge and experience as a hunter and an outdoorsman speaks for itself, and is all part of our mission to build the very best.”

Visit the Christensen Arms website for more information.

One Response to “Christensen Arms Announces Partnership with Jim Shockey”

  1. Elric42 says:

    Maybe the new rifle company can teach Mr. Shockey to stay on sights and reload his rifle before dropping it down to admire his work?

    I love Jim Shockey’s show, with the exception of the atrocious weapon handling. At least it is merely inefficient, and slow, as opposed to dangerous.